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"Kids!" S.coups' voice rang through the door of my new room. "The manager is here. Come to the living room!"

I dusted off my hands. After my utterly embarrassing defeat in that video game, I excused myself to go back and finish unpacking, partly to escape the teases from Jun. Woozi offered to help me but I declined. He already helped me out enough.

I surveyed the room once more. Neat and tidy, just the way I liked it. My personal belongings were all placed neatly on my desk underneath the loft bed. I also swept up the dust on the other side of the room Sunhee was supposed to sleep. Hopefully she appreciates it.

Heading towards the living room, I bumped into Dino. "Oh hey."

"Hey, Yenling!" He said. "You're probably the reason behind the manager's visit."

"Is that so?" I murmured. I wonder if I can ask him why the heck I was hired for this job. This whole thing is just unrealistic as hell.

"Are you nervous? You're meeting your boss for the first time."

I never thought of that. "I am." I am, after you told me that. Thanks a lot, Chan. "What's he like?"

"Well," he thought for a moment. "He's nice, but a little strict." He scratched his head sheepishly. "Well, maybe not just a little."


The boys were already seated on the sofa and some on the floor, facing the doorway. Dino and I sat down in the back. There was a man in front of the doorway, his hands placed behind his back. There was nothing particularly special in his features, except he had a rather stern atmosphere around him.

"I'm sure you have all met Wang Yenling." His voice was deep and gravelly. He nodded at me. I nodded nervously back.

"And our other new assistant, Sunhee, will not arrive until next week." He paused. "So we have decided to give you boys a week of vacation until Sunhee arrives."

Excited murmurs filled the room. Dino nudged me excitedly. "We haven't had a vacation in so long!"

"Does that mean we're allowed to visit our families?" Seungkwan asked.

The man nodded. "Yes, if your family is within Korea." He acknowledged Jun and Minghao sitting on the floor. "Unfortunately, you're not allowed to leave this country."

"Can we do anything else if we're not planning to visit?" Soonyoung said.

"You can, under supervision, of course. So that you won't cause any..." He looked sharply at Jun again. "Any unfortunate mishaps."

I shuddered. I forgot all about the photo of me and Jun.

"That's all." He clapped his hands once. "And we're going out for dinner. Let's go."

The boys made their way out the door. I walked towards the manager, Dino besides me, looking at me curiously.

"Excuse me."

He turned towards me. "Yes? Miss Wang?"

"I've got a question." I said. "I find it weird that you went along and made me an assistant without some kind of interview. It's rather... Unprofessional, isn't it? What if I'm a stalker? What if I'm not up for the job? Why didn't you choose someone with experience and is actually good with singing and dancing to help the guys out?"

Dino coughed, probably hiding a smile.

The manager crossed his arms and stared at me, a small smile playing on his lips. "Do you not want the job?"

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