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The cool breeze of the air conditioned atmosphere tickled the back of my neck as I made my way through a door after Sunhee and Jun.

Jun seemed to have rented a private room for us. There was a pool table in the middle. Sofas lined the wall. The room was decorated in a western style, and there was a faint smell of alcohol and roses in the air.

Jun grinned, clapping his hands in enthusiasm. He clasped a cue stick, measuring it and running his hand up and down, feeling the material. "I haven't played in ages. Good thing I had spare time today. Thanks for inviting me, Sunhee."

She gave him a bright smile, her eyes shining in the dim light. I turned away, feeling sick.

I'll ruin everything? How dare she. We just met. She doesn't even know me. And I'm the one that will ruin everything? I really wanted to wipe that smile under her heavy makeup and fake personality. Who wouldn't?

Jun threw a cue stick to me, and I caught it midair, hands clenched so tightly around it I thought for a moment that it would snap in half. I loosened my grip.

I had every right to be angry. But now was not time time, was it?

"Hey shorty, you good at this?"

I shrugged. I played with my friends a few times back home. I won every time. "Oh, I'm new to this." I lied. "I know the basics."

"That's cool." Jun gave me the thumbs up. He racked up the balls and removed the triangle. Smirking a little, he presented the table in a flourish. "I give you the honor to break, shorty. Don't mess it up."

I bit my lip, making myself look nervous. "Are you sure?" I said, stuttering. "What if I scratched?" As I twiddled the stick between my fingers, I stole a glance at Sunhee. She looked smug, and I knew she thought I was going to make a fool out of myself. Her eyes narrowed as mine met hers, but she smiled, mouthing the good luck, venom dripping from her words.

I positioned myself at an angle, and hit.

Jun whistled, clearly impressed. "You sure you're a beginner? With that stroke, I could swear you're a regular at this game."

I shrugged again, looking modestly at the floor. "Beginner's luck, I guess." I snuck another peek at Sunhee. She was smiling, but her eye twitched, clearly annoyed. She tssked quietly, her glare burning into me.

Ha. Yenling, one. Sunhee, zero.

Jun patted my head, still grinning. "Shorty, maybe I'll challenge you someday, one on one."

"Jun, you'll just win." I said, laughing. I'll win for sure. When I played with my friends, the winner was allowed to ask one question to the others, and they had to say the truth. There were no shortage of secrets my friends were made to tell me.

Maybe I'll get Jun to answer one of my questions. But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Junhui was a challenge, and I'm going to face him head-on.

Sunhee picked up a cue stick, and pouted a little. She looked at Jun with big, puppy dog eyes.

Ew. Girl, tone it down a little.

"Junnie?" She said, her voice cutesy. Puckering up her lips, she lightly touched the tip of the stick, fingers curling around it softly and sliding them down the wooden sides, subtly radiating sexual vibes. "Junnie, I'm not sure how to play this."

Junnie? And I thought she invited him here. Can that girl get any faker?

Jun's eyebrows furrowed, looking at Sunhee, his eyes drifting to her fingers. "You don't? It's alright. I'll teach you."

My I ➵ Seventeen - junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now