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It was just a dream.

I wake up in my bed, blinking sleepily. Morning light shone through the curtains. Today, something was different. Something was missing.

"Wake up!" A shrill voice screamed in my ear.

Oh. There it was. The usual hyper wake up call from my dear little sister.

I stretched, sliding of the bed. Jun, asking me to be his friend. I sighed, remembering the details of the dream. It felt so real. His laugh, those sparkling eyes. Him catching me when I fell off that chair. Him driving me home. That was the last scene I remember when I woke up.

I got dressed, sniffed at the sad design of the school uniform, grabbed my bag and breakfast, yelled goodbye to my mom and sister, and went out the door with my dad, nearly tripping on the dolls Sarah left in the doorway.

She screamed. "Wang Yenling!" She knocked me aside and scooped up her toys. "You stepped on Hippo and Leo!" She kicked me in the shins.

"Hey, hey," my dad picked up the screaming Sarah and sat her on the sofa. "You're in seventh grade now. Big girls don't scream."

Sarah giggled. "I know, dad. I just wanted to get on Sister's nerves. "

I rolled my eyes. "Immature little twit." I muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." I slapped her arm playfully, walking out and into the elevator. My dad followed me, waving goodbye to the family.


I turned, startled to see the neighbor whom I met on the elevator yesterday.

"Did you have fun on your date yesterday, young lady?" He said, smiling.

"What?" My dad turned to me. "You have a boyfriend?"

My mind turned to jelly. "What date?"

"The chubby guy yesterday who came to find you, remember?" The neighbor recalled.

JJ? But wasn't it just a dream? Maybe he invited me to his family dinner because we were going to do a project together. Yeah, that was it. And maybe I fell asleep on the way back, and dreamed that bizarre dream.

"It was just homework, not a date," I said, noticing my dad sigh in relief.

"Students these days have so much to do." The neighbor shook his head, sighing. "You have another project due today, too?"

"No, I don't. What makes you say that?"

The elevator dinged, and he was on his way. "It's just that there's another young man in the lobby waiting for you." The door closed.

"What?" My dad turned to me. "What young man? Wang YenLing, tell me the truth."

I was plenty confused myself. I don't remember having to meet anyone today. "I don't know," I admitted. "Maybe there's someone else in this apartment with the same name."

My dad stared at me. The elevator dinged, arriving at the first floor. "See you later, dad." I waved. "Good luck at work!"

The elevator continued its way down to the basement. I walked briskly to the lobby, wondering who the hell this mysteriously young man was. Maybe it was JJ again. Or, more likely, it was a mistake and the guy was looking for someone else.

"There you are!"

I turned. This voice... It couldn't be.

A tall man stood near the security desk. He waved at me, motioning towards the security guard.

My I ➵ Seventeen - junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now