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Jun took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He couldn't lose his temper in front of the other members. Figure out what you have to do later. First, breakfast.

He joined the rest of the members in the kitchen. Looking around, he noticed that Woozi was absent. The rest of Seventeen was in utter chaos. Minghao was still arguing with Seokmin about the missing recording, while the rest looked confused and sleepy, asking questions and drowning out each other's voices.

"Guys, I'm telling you!" Minghao slammed his hands on the table, causing everyone around it to jump, the voices dying down. "There was this recording, in the chat group, and it exposed everything that Sunhee had done!"

Mingyu yawned. "Are you sure you didn't just dream it?"

"Yeah." Soonyoung raised his eyebrows. "I thought we agreed on Sunhee being innocent. Are you sure you're not accusing her just because you dislike her?"

"No, guys." Seokmin spoke up, his voice quivering a bit. "Hoshi, believe me, I saw it too. Sunhee really is too blame."

Hoshi looked a little surprised at Seokmin's statement, and he leaned on the table, edging closer to his friend. "You too?"

Seokmin swallowed, than nodded, looking up nervously at Sunhee.

Minghao turned, spotted Jun. "Junhui! Tell them! Tell them everything!"

Sunhee shot Jun a hard stare, raising her eyebrows.

Shit. Now she found out that he had told Minghao everything. Jun glared at his friend, and stayed silent. You moron.

Minghao glared at him, but Jun still didn't speak. He didn't want to make things worse. "Wen Junhui-" Minghao started to say, but Jeonghan interrupted.

"But at the end, there is no recording." He said, a matter of factly. "End of discussion. No proof, we're not going to believe anything you guys say."

"Jeonghan." Seungcheol nudged him weakly. The leader looked tired. He must've stayed up all night. "We're all friends. Can we not doubt each other?"

"Coups, someone leaked your photos, and that person was Yenling, and some members are even backing her up!" Jeonghan said back defensively. "Clearly there is something up here."

"Jeonghan..." Joshua started to say, but stopped mid sentence, lowering his head.

"Guys, guys, why are you fighting?" Sunhee looked as if she was about to cry. "Please don't fight." Jun caught a hint of glee at the corner of her mouth. She was trying not to laugh. That bitch.

"You," Minghao stabbed his finger at her direction, smoldering with rage. "You, drop your innocent act and shut the fuck up!"

"Minghao, what happened to you?" Vernon spoke up, standing up and blocking Sunhee from Minghao's view. "Calm down!"

"Why are we all fighting?" Seungkwan looked desperately towards their leader, but Seungcheol's eyes were empty, and he seemed to have suddenly aged a few years. He didn't say anything.

The room erupted with arguments, and Jun glared at Sunhee, who smiled gleefully back, looking extremely satisfied. This group is taking apart. She mouthed, then surpressed a giggle, covering her mouth and shuddering uncontrollably.

Jun turned away from her, looking desperately around the room. He had to do something, or Sunhee's revenge plan would succeed, and Seventeen would fall apart. He never imagined that there would be a day where arguments and fights would break them up. He mentally screamed. He had to do something, something, anything-

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