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Jimin giggles and Taehyung widens his eyes because he thought Jimin couldn't get any cuter.

Boy was he wrong!

"H-hi -coughs- hey" Jimin struggles to form an actual sentence so just sticks with hey.

Jimin looks around and somehow, the rest of the guys managed to go god knows where.

"Uh can you show me my room?" Tae questions the flustered but very cute boy in front of him.

Jimin snaps back to Tae and smiles,
"Of course! Let's go!" And with that, the two boys go upstairs.

"Since we are going upstairs, I'll just show you my room, too! Ya know, just in case you need something from me." Jimin says.

Taehyung couldn't help but think dirty at the last part. "Oh god don't laugh, don't laugh!"He thought to himself.

Tae made sure to walk behind him just in case me mustered a laugh.

Jimin quickly shows Taehyung his room and then moves on to Tae's.

"Ah here we are, this is your room!" Jimin cheekily says.

"Thank you!" Taehyung quickly bows and goes into his room.

He looks around in amazement and puts his suit cases in a corner.

"It's so big!" Tae exclaims while plopping himself down on his king-sized bed.

"Don't laugh, don't smirk, don't blush!" Jimin repeats to himself inside his head. He couldn't help but think wrong.

Jimin leans himself on the door but quickly meets the floor when the door flies back.

"Ouch!" Jimin yelps and rubs his head.

In the mean time, Tae runs over to Jimin to go help him up.

"Ah clumsy one! Let me help you up!" And with that, Tae puts his arm out for Jimin to grab.

Jimin rolls his eyes at his comment but takes his hand anyway.

"Wow his hands are so soft!" Jimin thought to himself.

"He has really tiny hands...that's so cute." Tae thought to himself.

When Taehyung pulled Jimin up, the two ended up being really close to each other.

"Well hi there!" Tae smiles at Jimin and Jimin just stares and blushes.

Tae turns around, leaving Jimin love struck.

"Wow." Was all Jimin could think.

"I'm starting to think you're going to be coming to my room for help...not the other way around." Tae cheekily smiles. "Ya know, if you keep standing there." He then laughs and scratches the back of his head.

"That sounded so dirty, oh god. I hope he didn't catch that" Tae thought.

"Don't laugh, don't smirk, don't blush!" Jimin repeats to himself.

Jimins eyes widen at what he said and quickly turns around before he says anything embarrassing.

"Ah of course he got it." Tae mumbles to himself.

Tae started to unpack until he felt someone staring at him.

"Yes?" Tae questions the person.

"What did you say to Jimin to make him so flustered?" Jin questions him.

Tae covers his mouth and then starts to crack up, "nothing! Well something but I didn't mean it to be something!" He exclaims.

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