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"Ah shut up!" Jimin mumbles into his pillow while throwing his phone across the room.

"Woah are you trying to kill me?" A surprised Taehyung says.

Jimin pops his head right up and scrunches his nose, "no offense Tae, buuuut why are you in my room?"

Taehyung flashes his cutesy smile at Jimin, "Jin told me to go wake up everybody for breakfast so that's what I'm doing right now."

Jimin starts to blush and quickly hides his face under the covers, "ahh well okay! I'll be out real quick then...by the way, are we having rehearsal today?"

Taehyung scratches the back of his head and pauses for a minute, "mm I'm almost 100% positive we have it at 2 soo I would hurry since it's 11."

With that, Tae walks out of Jimins room and starts to go down the steps when he suddenly realized he left his phone in Jimins room.

"Ah shoot!" Tae says to himself and quickly runs back to Jimin.

"Jimin I forgot my pho-"

"Here ya go!" Jimin smirks when he realized he made the boy stop straight in his tracks.

Taehyung swallows hard and takes his phone back slowly, "uh ha tha-thank you Jimin!" And with that he runs out of the room.

Jimin turns around still smirking to himself and decides to throw his shirt on.

"Ah I can't believe he saw me shirtless...maybe more?" Jimin smiles to himself and walks out of his room.

"Hyuuung! You take to long, I'm not going to wait anymore!" Jungkookie yells up to Jimin.

Jimin laughs and runs down the stairs so he wouldn't keep any of his members waiting anymore.

"Why don't you go sit next to Tae-Tae! There's no room here." A very excited Namjoon says.

Tae looks up quickly and then back at his food,
"Oh yes please sit next to me!" Tae thought to himself.

Jimin gets his food and makes his way towards Tae, "missed me?" Jimin whispers into Tae's ear seductively without the boys noticing.

"You wish." Tae smirked at the seducer and continued to eat.

"You know you did, especially the shirtless me." Jimin looks Tae up and down, and then turns back knowing he made Tae blush.

"Ah well, that answered my question if he was into guys." Tae thought to himself.

"HOSEOK DONT TOUCH MY BACON!" Yoongi yells at the greedy looking boy.

"Hehe sorry!"

"Tae!! Take a quick morning selca with me!"

"Ah Jimin I do-"

And before Tae knows it, Jimin pulls him over, wraps his arm around him, and the two take a quick selca.

"Hehe thank you!"

"What are we suppose to be rehearsing for, again?" Namjoon whispers to Jin.

"We Are Bulletproof pt. 2 and No More Dream!"

Namjoon nods at his Hyung and goes to the radio to put the two songs on.

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