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"JIMIN JI-JIMIN!" Jungkook screamed over the phone, panicking Jimin.

"What!?" Jimin sat on the edge of his bed waiting for Jungkook to answer.

Jungkook's breath was heavy and he sounded like he had been running, "TAE GOT HIT BY A CAR!"

Everything went dark. Jimin's vision went blurry. Jungkook's yells turned to mumbles. He dropped his phone from how numb his body went. His throat became dry. Jimin's whole world was crashing down.

"JIMIN HYUNG!" Jungkook screaming his name brought Jimin back to reality.

"Where are you right now?" Jimin was trying hard not to cry but failed as his voice cracked.

"ON OUR WAY TO THE HOSPITAL! PLEASE HURRY! Oh god so much blood..." Jungkook mumbled and then hung up.

The room was silent.

"FUCK!" Jimin screamed and threw his phone.

He quickly put on his shoes, not caring to change out of his pajamas, grabbed his phone, and ran out of the house and into his car.

"Tae please be okay." Jimin cried to himself.

"WHERE IS HE!?" Jimin bursted through the doors to see all of the boys stand up.

"He's in the-" Jin wasn't able to finish his sentence because Jimin ran over to the room he pointed towards.

"Excuse me sir, you can't go in there." A nurse calmly said to the boy.

"My boyfriend is in there!" Jimin cries even harder.

"Sorry, he's unconscious right now. No one can see him besides his doctors." The nurse put her hand on Jimin's chest to stop him from walking.

"Jimin..." Hoseok put his hand on Jimin's shoulder but Jimin shoved him off.

Jimin started to run towards the door but Hoseok was faster and pulled Jimin back.

"GET OFF!" Jimin struggled but Hoseok was stronger. All though, Hoseok was struggling to keep the broken boy tamed. Jimin was kicking and punching.

"JIMIN STOP!" Namjoon yelled but Jimin cried harder and struggled even more to get to the unconscious boy.

All of the boys brought Jimin back to the seats, he loudly cried onto Jin.

"Shh it's going to be okay, Jimin." Jin cooed and smoothed down Jimin's hair as he cried.

Jungkook came back from the bathroom and he looked a wreck. His eye caught Jimin's and he felt even worse.

"Jimin I'm so sorry!" Jungkook rushed over to Jimin and hugged him. The boy didn't hug back, just kept on crying.

"Ho-how did it happen?" Jimin eventually choked out.

Everybody was surprised when he talked, let alone ask a question.

Jungkook's face went pale and he looked down, "me and Tae were...just playing around. We went to go get some coffee. When we were crossing, a car came out of nowhere and was going to hit me...until Tae pushed out of the way."

Jimin looked up and for the first time took in Jungkook's face. His lip was cut and his knuckles were bruised, "I guess from hitting the ground." Jimin thought to himself.

Jimin nodded but then when it went silent again, Jimin broke out into sobs again.

It was utterly heartbreaking.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Yoongi then came rushing into the hospital, looking a mess.

"Where were you?" Namjoon looked up at his Hyung.

"There was traffic...where is Tae!?" Yoongi ushered everybody and then finally saw Jimin.

"Oh Jimin..." Yoongi's heart broke into a million pieces watching the young boy cry.

Yoongi rushed over to him and engulfed him into a hug.

"It's going to be okay. Tae is going to come out fine, you understand me?" Yoongi sounded like he was trying to reassure himself.

When Jimin didn't answer, Yoongi turned his face so he could actually look at his Hyung.

"You understand me!?" Yoongi got more upset by the second.

"Ye-yes." Jimin tiredly mumbled.

Yoongi slid to the ground and put his face into his hands, he couldn't believe what was happening.

~3 Hours Later~
"Taehyung is awake, you may see him now. Only one visitor at a time."

Everybody looked at Jimin as he ran to Tae's room.

"I hope Tae is alright." Jungkook whispered.

Jimin closed the door behind him and looked at his boyfriend. He was just laying there, he looked broken.

"TAE!" Jimin yelled and gently hugged the boy, careful not to hurt him.

Tae looked at Jimin with a blank stare making Jimin hurt a little.


"To be honest...I don't know who you are." Tae whispered.

Jimin's world came crashing down once again, what did he mean he doesn't know who he was.

"I-Tae I'm your- oh my god I'm your boyfriend." Jimin tried not to cry.

"I don't remembering having a boyfriend..." Tae scratched the back of his neck.

That's when Jimin lost it. He broke down into sobs and collapsed onto the chair.

"Aish okay okay please don't cry!!" Tae ushered Jimin, Tae's heart broke for some reason when he saw this.

"Baby please tell me your joking..." Jimin looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Tae shook his head, "I'm sorry...I don't."

Jimin started to get hot, he started to get dizzy, his world was spinning.

"You are cute though..." Tae mumbled out loud and then quickly shut his mouth tight.

"Did I really just say that out loud?" Tae thought to himself.

Jimin looked up once again and smiled, "well looks like you didn't loose your charm." 

Tae chuckled and gave his famous rectangle-smile to Jimin.

"I had charm?" Tae questioned.

"Lots of it...always was complementing me and-" Jimin got lost in their memories.

"Sounds fun." Tae cooed.

"You have no idea..." Jimin whispered.

"I'm going to get your memory back even it's the last thing I'll do." Jimin stood up and punched his fist the air, receiving a laugh from Tae.

That's all he needed to hear and now he was determined.

"Even if it's the last thing I'll do..." he whispered to himself.

Please don't attack me.

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