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6:00 AM
Jimin crept slowly off of the bed until he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and bring him back to the warm bed. He smiled and tried wriggling out of Tae's arms but it was no use, he had a tight grip on him.

"TaeTae, I have to get ready." Jimin stopped moving and sighed, waiting for the boy to let go.

"Five more minutes, baby." Tae cooed in his ear with his deep, raspy, morning voice.

Jimin blushed at the fact that he called him baby and thought back to when Tae would call him a seducer.

"Babe for real, I have to leave soon for my photoshoot."

Tae finally let go and stared at his tiny boyfriend. He was very cute in the morning, his hair was going every which way, he slept with just Tae's shirt on, and his white fluffy socks.

"What photoshoot?" Tae finally spoke up.

Jimin scrunched up his nose from the question he just asked, "I told you already, I have a photoshoot  at 9."

Tae rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, "it's to early for business, just cuddle with me instead!" 

Silence took over the whole room until Jimin leaned over Tae, the two kissed for a while until Jimin walked away.

"Ugh why do you do that?" Tae groaned as he watched him walk away.

"Do what?"

"Tease me!"

"I don't tease, baby boy." Jimin winked at Tae, causing him to blush and immediately shut up.

Turning around, Jimin looked through his closet, wondering what he should wear today.

"Can I come to the photoshoot?"

Without looking back, Jimin pondered for a moment, "yeah sure, I'd love for you to be there...take my nerves away."

Tae showed off his rectangular-smile and gave Jimin a back hug.

"I'm very glad you came, but suddenly I'm twice as stressed!"

Tae giggled and threw his arm around Jimin.

"Huh? Why do you laugh at me?!" Jimin pinched Tae's side, causing him to squirm and Jimin to smirk.

Tae smirked back, leaving Jimin wondering what the boy was to do next.

Answering his question, Tae got behind Jimin and started to massage his shoulders. Jimin couldn't lie, it felt pretty damn good.

"How come I am just finding out now that you give really good shoulder massages?" Jimin whispered, rolling his head back in pleasure.

Tae smirked once again, "I massage more then just shoulders." He whispered to his ear and kissed his neck.

"Oh" Jimin thought.

Jimin accidentally moaned and covered his mouth quick, "Tae..." his breath started to hitch.

Tae shushed his boyfriend and left a small hickey on the crook of his neck, making Jimin moan a little louder.

"You're lucky...we're alone in...the dressing room." Jimin could barely get out.

"Why is this affecting me so much?" Jimin questioned himself.

Tae chuckled at his reaction and started to kiss Jimin's plump lips, "Shh baby boy, don't want anyone to catch us."

As soon as Tae said that, a crew member  walked in on the two and squeaked, "sorry!!" Before running out of the room.

Jimin covered his face in embarrassment while Tae laughed, "the roles sure have switched today!"

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