~Do I Love Him~

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Two months pass by and the boys relationship proceeds to be magical. With only a few bumps on the road, Tae and Jimin has been everybody's goals.

"Why does Tae still have his old room when he just sleeps with Jimin? Let's make his room into like another studio or something!" Jungkook complained to his Hyungs.

"That's up to Tae..." Yoongi trailed off, looking at Tae and asking him with his eyes.

Unfortunately, Tae was in his own little world, thinking about his future with Jimin and how cute he is.



The boys just stared at the boy, waiting for him to answer them. Realizing they needed to get physical for him to notice them, Hoseok pointed towards the pool.

They all stared at Tae with evil looks, slowly getting up and making their way towards him.

"NOW!" They all grabbed Tae and carried him to the pool.

"GUYS, STOP OH MY GOD! NO MY PHO-" Tae is quickly engulfed in water, leaving the boys laughing and not realizing what Tae was trying to warn them about.

The poor boy finally swam to the top pouting like a baby that just got his candy taken away from him. He quickly got out of the pool and ran to the kitchen.

This was not the reaction the boys thought they would've gotten. They all looked at each other and ran after Tae.

When they walk in, they spot Tae trying to look for something in the cabinets mumbling to himself.

"Tae?" Namjoon came out from the crowd, questioning the sulking boy.

"My phone...was in my pocket. My phone is now wet. Let me look for rice in peace." Tae said, not turning around.

The room went silent, only hearing Tae pull out the rice and pour it into a bowl. He plopped his phone in and sat down, waiting by his phone.

"All of my pictures are on there...all of the videos...memories. I should've saved them to my laptop. Ugh I hope the card isn't ruined!" Tae thought to himself.

Unknowingly, Jimin snaked his arm around his waist and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, baby." Jimin cooed into his ear.

All Tae could do was look up at his Chim-Chim, he couldn't stay mad at him as Jimin gave him his puppy dog eyes.

"Aish guys it's fine! Don't worry about it!" Tae smiled and waved them off.

"GROUP HUG!" Jin yelled and the guys ran towards Tae, giving him the biggest bear hug they could give.

"Ah guys...can't...breathe!" Tae struggled to get out.

They all let go, Hoseok finishing off by pinching his cheeks, and went their separate ways.

"Baby why don't you go get changed? Your lips are chattering!" Jimin took Tae's hand and brought him to his room. Jimin quickly went through his own closet and handed Tae his white shirt.

Tae took off his wet clothes and threw on his boyfriend shirt. Taking a deep breath while putting it on, he smiled as it smelled just like him.

In the mean time, Jimin was totally checking out his boyfriend. "Gosh he looks so good when he's wet..." Jimin quickly looked down and turned around, knowing he can't let Tae see this.

"Chim-Chim?" Tae wrapped his arms around Jimin and placed his head onto his shoulder. As Jimin struggled even more now that the boy was holding him, he accidentally moaned out Tae's name.

Tae froze hearing what Jimin just did, "oh...my...god..." Tae thought to himself.

He squeezed him harder and snaked his hands down farther, knowing it was turning him on. He turned him around and looked through his boyfriends eyes, "Save your moaning for tonight, Chim-Chim!"

"How does he sound so sexy but so cute at the same time?" Jimin questioned himself.

The two kissed and held each other for what seemed like hours.

"Jimin, I lo-"

"Tae and Jimin we have to go to the- OH MY GOD SORRY!" Hoseok ran out of the room, covering his eyes.

Tae, annoyed with his Hyung for having awful timing, ran after him with his shoe.

Jimin sat there on his bed, contemplating his future with the boy. "Aish, its only been two months. Why am I thinking about this?"

Jin suddenly came into the room and sat next to Jimin.

"Oh Hyung, hi!"

"Hey...why is Tae chasing Hoseok?"

Jimin blushed and looked down, "he uh...interrupted us."

Jin's eyes widened at what the flustered boy just said, "you guys finally did it?"

Now it was Jimins turn for his eyes to widen, "Oh my god Hyung, no! We were kissing and Hoseok overreacted!"

Jin faceplamed himself and laugh, Jimin laughing with him. The two sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts, until Jin finally spoke up.

"You love him, don't you?" he whispered, turning his focus onto Jimin.

"I uh- Hyung it's only been two months." He stumbled over his own words and played with his fingers.

"Time doesn't matter when it comes to love, Jimin."

With that, Jin got up and walked out of the room, leaving Jimin lost in his thoughts.

"AISH STOP HITTING HOSEOK WITH THE SHOE!" Jin suddenly yelled at ran towards the two boys.

"Do I love him?" Jimin questioned himself, already knowing the answer.

Jimin laughed at the question and walked out of his bedroom.

"Tae my dudes, put on some pants!" Yoongi yelled, shielding his and Jungkook's eyes as Tae accidentally flashed them.

Jimin ran over and grabbed Tae's hand, pulling him back into the room.

"What are yo-" Jimin eyed Tae's member and Tae quickly realized why he pulled him into the room.

"Aish, why didn't you tell me!" Tae whined, looking for actual pants instead of depending on his loose underwear and Jimins shirt covering him.

"You ran out before I could!" Jimin laughed at the flustered boy.

Jimin eyed his boyfriend wearing his shirt, it just covered the top of his thighs and that's when he got greedy.

Before he did anything, Tae crashed his lips onto his.

"Woah, where is this coming from?" Jimin questioned Tae, silently thanking him with his eyes.

"I can see you eyeing me, so instead of doing nothing...I did something." Tae whispered and flung himself onto the bed.

As Jimin stared at the boy in awe, Tae tilted his head and scratches the back of it.

"Well, are you going to cuddle with me or what!?"

Ending the chapter here, Lovies!

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