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As the week went on, the two boys grew closer and learned more about each other. They were so close, it was to the point that the ARMY started to notice it.

"AH Jimin and Taehyung are soo cute!"


"Ugh can't they just be boyfriends already?"


"ah remember when I asked you on a date a week ago?"

Tae blushed remembering the night like it was yesterday, it was absolutely perfect.

"Yes, why?"

"Well...since we have been very busy, I wanted to take you out tonight!" Jimin chirped.

"Don't we have to go to a party tonight?" Tae questioned.

Jimin scrunches up his nose forgetting about the party, "Ah we can ditch the party, show up for like an hour and then go on our little date!" Tae smiles at how happy Jimin was and he found it very hard to say no to him.

"Okay fine! But if we get in trouble by our Hyungs for leaving, I am blaming it all on you!"

Jimin pretends to be hurt and turns his back towards to Tae, but of course Tae took it serious for some reason.

"Oh no baby, I'm sorry! I was just kidding, we can go on our date and if we get in trouble then...WHO CARES! We are in LA right now, lets live it up!" Tae cheered and gave Jimin a back hug.

Jimin almost didn't want to break character because what was happening was so adorable but he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Did you just called me baby?" Jimin smirked knowing the startled boy didn't even realize what he did.

Tae tilted his head like a puppy and grabbed Jimin's sleeve, "Is that a problem?"

Jimin shook his head, "I don't know, we didn't even go on our date yet."

Tae let go of his sleeve and scolded himself for moving to quickly, but what he didn't know was that Jimin was just playing around with him.

"Tae? I was just kidding...you know that right?" Jimin whispered as he placed his hand on top of Taes.

Instead of answering, Tae just gave Jimin his rectangle smile and giggled. At this point, Jimin is thinking the boy has lost it but laughs with him, hoping his mood is better.


As soon as BTS walks into the mansion party, EXID's song "Up and Down" blasts from the speakers. Jimin is absolutely obsessed with the song and starts to jam out with Namjoon and Jin.

"JIMIN! DON'T FORGET, YOU GOT NO JAMS!" Namjoon yells over the music causing Jimin to fake pout and cross his arms.

Tae sees Jimin pout and snakes his arm around his waist, "Wipe that pout off! Don't forget, you are taking me on a date tonight." He whispers in Jimin's ear and kisses his cheek.

By now, Jimin is looking like a tomato  and Tae's cheeks hurt from smiling so much at his Chim-Chim.

Jimin faces Tae and lust lingers in his eyes, he starts to dance towards the tall boy and Tae blushes furiously. Jimin wraps his arms around Tae's neck and Tae slips his hands to Jimin's waist leaving goosebumps on both bodies.

"Hey! That's too sexy!" Jin yells at the love birds.

"Hyung! Half of the people are grinding and making out, yet you say what we are doing is to sexy?" Jimin whines.

"Watch this." Tae whispers into his ear, following it with his hands lingering around Jimin's ass and grabbing it.

Jimin and Jins eyes widen at what just happend, leaving Jimin blushing, Tae smirking, and Jin just leaving the corrupted boys.

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