~Done With You~

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"Baby please do-" Tae begged and cried.


"Wha-no no no Jimin please!"

"I don't want to hear it!" And with that, Jimin walked away, leaving Tae a crying mess.

~6 Hours Earlier~

"Baby! You ready to go?" Tae yelled up to the birthday boy.

Footsteps were heard going down the steps and there stood Jimin looking beautiful as ever.

"Hey!" Jimin kissed Tae's cheek and interlocked his hands with him.

The pair walked out to the car and drove off to the hair salon. Jimin was getting his hair dyed today since Tae made him an appointment. He has been saying he wanted to get his hair dyed so Tae finally took action.

When they arrived, a fan recognized the couple and ran up to them.

"Oh my gosh, Tae and Jimin!! I love you guys soo much, may I please have a picture!!"

"Aish important business." Tae said, which got him a playful slap from Jimin.

"Ah ignore that guy, of course we will take a picture with you!" Jimin chuckled and took the phone to take the selca.

"By the way, you guys are definitely my favorite ship! When are you guys coming out?"

"Aish we aren't dating!" Tae struggled to get the words out and the fan quickly apologized before skipping away happily.

"When can we tell them?" Jimin questioned looking sad.

Tae thought for a moment and finally spoke up, "it'll be a surprise!" And with that, he gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I can't believe I died my hair pink..."

"Pink looks good on you, ChimChim!" Tae kissed his boyfriends neck as the two went to look for a cafe.

"Finally! Here we are!" The two arrived at the cafe and sat down.

"What will you two be having today?"

"Mm a strawberry and cream frapp, what about you babes?" Tae questioned as he held Jimin's hand from across the table.

"A Carmel frapp, please!" Jimin smiled with his eyes and the waiter couldn't help but look at the boy in awe.

"Co-coming right up!" The waiter scrambled away.

Tae smirked, "you made him nervous."

"Aish no I didn't!"

"You so did! Did you see the way he looked at you?"

Jimin blushed and shook off Tae's words, "you're imagining things!"

"Trust me, I'm not! Too bad your mine and ONLY mine!" Tae made sure to stick out the word only.

"I know I know...and you will always be mine!"

Tae squeezed his hand before the waiter came back with their frapps.

"Here you go!"

"Thank you!" Jimin said in his aegyo voice, making the waiter blush and run away with the money Tae gave him.

Tae narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend, "Thank you!" He dramatically mocked him, causing Jimin to roll his eyes and drink his drink.

7:00 PM

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