~Well My Dick Is Not So I Can Always Punish You~

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2:00 AM
"Have I ever told you that I really do appreciate you?" Jimin chuckled when he heard the words leave Tae's mouth.

"Plenty of times." Jimin stopped giving Tae a handjob and looked at him seriously.

"You appreciate me for more then just a handjob, right?" Tae pouted when Jimin started to sound sad and sat up so he was able to look at him.

"Of course, baby! I appreciate you for being there for me, loving me, making me laugh when I'm down, putting up with my unexplained tears, playing with my hair, obnoxiously singing songs with me, never pressuring me, never giving me a reason to be suspicious, acknowledging me, never letting me do something stupid alone, saying you love me, for letting me be grumpy, babe I love you so much. Most of all, I just want to thank you for you being you."

By the time Tae was finished, Jimin started to get teary. Tae wiped his thumb across the tears and kissed Jimin.

"Never forget what I said. No matter what, I will always love you." Tae brought Jimin into a hug as he let all of his tears go.

"Only you do this to me, I love you." Was all Jimin could say without choking or sounding like he was basically dying.

Tae chuckled at Jimin and rubbed his back as they hug, "I will never ever leave you, remember that." Tae cooed.


"Promise!" Tae smiled but then looked down, remembering that both of them were naked.

"Aish Jimin go put on some clothes. I don't want you to get sick." Tae rummaged through his drawers and handed Jimin a white shirt and then his own underwear.

"Thank youuu!" Jimin got giddy because he loved wearing Tae's clothes.

Tae chuckled at his boyfriend and put on a black shirt and grey joggers. Turning around, he stretched his arms and yawned.

"Wow..." Jimin let out as he stared at the tired boy. The first thing Jimin noticed was he good he looked in a black shirt, and his dick imprint.

"What?" Tae tilted his head and scratched his neck.

"Uh no-nothing...okay forget it you look really good in black shirts and grey joggers. You should wear them more often."


"Only for me." Jimin smirked as Tae started to blush.

Getting his charm back, Tae winked at Jimin and jumped next to him. He threw his arms around him and the two boys started to cuddle.

"I like when you wear my shirts...you should wear them in public so people know that you're mine." Tae whispered in the dark.

Jimin boomed in laughter, leaving Tae complete shocked and confused.


"How would people know I'm wearing your shirt? I have many white shirts!" Jimin chuckled when he heard Tae face palm himself.

"I'll just put a print on it saying "Tae's boyfriend, do not touch or look at!" Tae chuckled at his own joke, pulling Jimin closer.

"What if somebody disobeys the shirt?" Jimin wondered out loud.

Somehow, Tae managed to get closer and whisper in his ear, "ill punish them." Which sent shivers down Jimin's back.

"You're to soft for that." Jimin laughed and turned so he was facing Tae.

Even though it was dark, he could make out Tae's features but only a little bit. Tae was pouting but it quickly turned back into a smirk.

"Well my dick is not so I could always punish you."

Jimins eyes widened and slightly gasped, not expecting to hear that from his almost innocent boyfriend.

"Almost innocent? His innocence are already gone from he bought and did today." Jimin thought to himself.

"Goodnight, Lovey." Tae kissed Jimin's forehead and slowly shut his eyes.

"Goodnight." Jimin whispered and soon fell asleep, thinking about the night that just happened.

"Soo basically what you're saying is, we should put their mattress in the pool so they can wake up there?" Jin questioned.

"Yes! They both are heavy sleepers and since they probably banged the whole night, they'll be even more heavy sleepers!" Jungkook explained as his Hyungs looked at him like he was crazy.

"It seems risky...let's do it!" Namjoon punched his fist in the air, being his extra self as usual.

The two boys laughed but quickly stopped when Jungkook looked around curiously.

"Where's Yoongi and Hoseok?"

"Oh they are with Jennie and Rosé." Jin simply stated, not giving a second thought.

"Don't you think they have been hanging out a lot?" Namjoon questioned as he put his arm around Jin.

"That's exactly why I was asking where they were, do you think they are going to get together?" Jungkook innocently questioned.

"They probably are already together, let's just wait it out and see what happens." Jin looked at Namjoon as he talked.

"Jeez what a dad." Jin thought.

"Anyway, lets do this prank! I think they have forgotten about the prank war that Tae called on us!" Jungkook laughed and the others joined in as they ran to the car, quickly driving off the the Bangtan house.

"Remember the prank war I called on Namjoonie, Jin, and Jungkook?" Tae suddenly asked.

Jimin chuckled at Tae's random question and nodded his head, "yeah?"

"We should prank them before they get home." Tae smirked and Jimin stopped cooking so he could actually stare at his boyfriend.

"Do we have tooo? It's so peaceful right now." Jimin hugged Tae from behind and tippytoed so he could rest his chin on his shoulder.

"It's been toooo peaceful." Tae mocked as he dragged out his too.

"Fine. What shall we do then?" Jimin gave up and went back to cooking.

"We should create a giant hand, put a lot of whipped cream on it, and then swing it down as soon as they all walk in!" Tae yelled.

"Okay that's too much." Jimin chuckled as Tae started to pout.

"Why don't we just fill each of their rooms with those packing peanuts?" Jimin pondered out loud and Tae smirked at him.

"Good idea, baby." Tae kissed Jimin's cheek and quickly went online to see what stores sold them.

"The pranking war has officially BEGUN!"


Just a cute & simple chapter! Don't forget to vote for my story, Lovies!

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