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"Jungkookie?" Jimin whispered.

Jimin poked him until he finally woke up.

"Jimin? What's up?" Jungkook sat right up, watching the heartbroken boy carefully.

"Can...can I sleep with you for tonight? I've been so used to sleeping with...with Tae so it's weird sleeping alone." Jimin rushed his words out, receiving a chuckle from Kookie.

"Yeah sure!" Jungkook lifted the covers and scooted over, Jimin laid on the edge of the bed.



"Do you think Tae did it on purpose?"

"I think that this is a whole big misunderstanding...Tae loves you."

Jimin smiled to himself and fell asleep to those words.

"Good morning Ta-"

Jimin quickly stopped himself from talking when he noticed whose room he was in. He suddenly realized that Jungkook's arms were draped over him and he felt uncomfortable for a second.

"Aish what if Tae sees?"

"Wait a minute...I broke up with TaeTa-I mean Taehyung."

Jimin let a tear fall at his last thought but quickly wiped it away, not wanting Jungkook to see.

"Jungkook!" Jimin gently pushed the sleeping boy off of him and looked at his phone.

"ITS 11 AM??" Jimin screeched as he normally wakes up at 6.

Jungkook jumped at Jimin yelling and almost fell off the bed.

"Aish Jimin!! It's to early for screaming! If you're going to scream, go to Tae." Jungkook quickly rolled over and fell back asleep.

"I don't know if I should take offense or think dirty" Jimin thought to himself as walked out of the room.

The house was quiet...to quiet. Jimin roamed the house, looking in every room and found nobody.

"Jungkook, why isn't anybody home!?"

Jungkook slowly sat up and huffed, "they said not to wake you up because you needed a break."

Jimins eyes widened and started to get frustrated, "what are you, my babysitter now?" Jimin harshly replied.

"Okay I know you caught your boyfriend getting kissed by his ex but you do not need to take this out on me...anyway, they went downtown."

Jimin's face softened as he realized he was being a little too harsh on the maknae, "Aish in sorry Jungkook...it's just...it's been a rough night."

"It's okay! Why don't we go get some icecream?"

"OKAY!" Jimin yelled in his aegyo voice and quickly got changed.

Tae sat in the corner of the booth looking depressed and lonely. Namjoon noticed and carefully walked over to him.

"Hey...you okay?" Namjoon patted his shoulder.

"I'm fine." Tae weakly said.

"You have been saying that since we woke you up. You are not fine and that's okay."  Namjoon sat next to Tae and hugged him.

"Namjoon Hyung, do you think he will ever forgive me?" Tae's voice cracked making himself cringe.

"I think he just needs some time. He's not in the right state to be making choices right now."

Tae nodded and continued to stare at his phone. He was looking at old pictures of him and Jimin being happy and cute.

"This is unfair..." Tae mumbled as a tear slid out.

"You guys can go, I'll catch up later!" Tae tried to fake smile but it was useless, everybody knew he was broken.

They hesitantly left, knowing Tae will eventually come to his senses.

"I love you, Park Jimin." Tae whispered.

"Thank you for the ice cream, Kookie!" Jimin exclaimed as he licked his vanilla ice cream.

Jungkook chuckled and continued to walk along with the almost happy boy. Except, he could tell he was dying inside.

"I'll be right back!" Jimin walked to the bathroom and went inside the stall.

Crying was all that was heard.

Jimin pulled out his phone and looked at a picture of him and Tae. It was their first month together and Tae had taken him to the beach.

"I love you, Kim Taehyung." A tear slid down and fell onto the screen.

"No...I will not be weak!" Jimin whispered to himself and walked out of the stall, smiling to his friend.

"You okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine!"
"I'm breaking."

"Ya sure?"

"100 percent."
"Not at all."

I hate not having them together!!😭😭
Sorry for the short chapter, next one will be long!

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