~Night Talks~

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"JUNGKOOK WAKE THE HELL UP!" Namjoon yells at the sleeping boy.

"Hyuuuuung stop!"

Namjoon laughs and smiles as Kookie turns over and faces him.

"What the-?" A surprised Jungkook mumbles as he sees a smiling Namjoon next to him in bed.

"You wouldn't wake up and I was getting tired so I laid down."

Jungkook laughs and gets up.

"Ah, its 4am! Why are you waking me up?"

"We leave in an hour, which means you still have to pack and get ready."

Jungkook's eyes widen when he realizes that they are traveling to LA today.

"Oh I'm so excited! I get to be in a room with both of my Hyungs, Jin and Yoongi!"


"Yoongi, wake u- Hoseok?" Jin says walking into Yoongi's room.

Hoseok quickly turns around and Yoongi sits up in his bed, "Yes?" Yoongi replies.

Jin's face gets red but then shakes off the embarrassment, "um we have to leave in an hour so I hope you guys packed." 

"Ohh shoot!" Hoseok groans and runs up to his room.

The focus is back on Yoongi and Jin raises his eyebrow at him, "So."


"Why was Hoseok in your bed?"

Yoongi laughs and throws a pillow at his Hyung, "He wanted to borrow my shirt last night but then we started talking. We both were tired so he just fell asleep in my bed. Nothing serious." And with that he shrugs his shoulders.

"Mhmm...right." Jin whispers and walks out the room, laughing.

"Ah wait! Did you wake up Jimin or Taehyung up yet?"

"I'm sure Jimin will wake up Tae since Jimin is already awake." Jin says.

Yoongi lays back into his bed and then decides to get up and ready.

"Tae-Tae, time to wake up!" Jimin cooes into Tae's ear.

When he realizes he is a heavy sleeper and won't wake up to that, Jimin gets his voice ready.


"AH WHAT?" Tae yells but then suddenly falls off of his own bed from being startled.

Jimin laughs at the boy that is now on the floor but rushes over.

"Sorry didn't mean to make you fall!"

Tae sighs heavily and just looks at the boy who is sitting next to him.

"Oh wow." Tae says to himself and he takes in what Jimin looks like.

Jimin's hair is slightly messy from just waking up, his face is fresh, topless, and wearing very little shorts.

Jimin notices Tae staring at him and blushes before helping him up.

What Tae didn't notice though, is Jimin totally drooling over what the sleepy boy looks like.

For one, Tae is also shirtless and is hair is going in all different directions.

"Chim-Chim its 4am, why are you waking me up so early?"

Jimin laughs at Tae and grabs a comb.

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