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~2 Years Later~


"He still doesn't remember?" Namjoon questioned as the two boys laid together in the dark.

"Unfortunately no...I hear Jimin cry every night about it. It's been two years and he still doesn't remember him." Jin sighed and played with Namjoon's hair.

"It's weird that he doesn't recognize Jimin or you, he was closest with you two." Namjoon mumbled.

Jin quickly wiped the tears away before he started to sob. He didn't want Namjoon to make a fuss over him once again.

"I know...Jimin will get Tae's memory back...I believe in him." Jin whispered before going to sleep.

Namjoon kissed his cheek and quickly went to sleep after Jin.

"Tae?" A voice whispered to his brother.

"Yes, J?" Tae questioned his little brother, to which he gave a nickname too.

"I love you." Jeong Gyu hugged Tae and tears fell down.

It's been two years since the car accident and Tae was still unable to remember certain parts of his life.

"Don't you ever forget me!" He cried onto his brother, making Tae's heart break even more.

"I won't." Tae hugged his little brother harder and rubbed his back.

"Good, TaeTae."

"What did you call me?" Tae oddly remembered that nickname.

Who called him TaeTae?

"TaeTae?" His brother repeated.

Suddenly, a memory came back.


"Aish TaeTae get up!!" Jimin whined as the younger laid on top of him.

"No!" Tae chuckled and hugged Jimin harder.
Tae gave Jimin a kiss and opened one eye. The other opened and Jimin had the biggest smile on his face.

"I don't know how I deal with you..." Jimin mumbled and kissed the boy back.

~Flashback Ends~

Tae touched his lips and breathed in. What just happened, he thought to himself.

More memories start to come to him and he remembered. He remembered everything.

From the day he met Jimin, to the day he got hit by the car.
Everything was still a little blurry, but he remembered.

"I have to go! J tell mom I'm going to Seol!" Tae ushered the confused younger and grabbed his keys to leave.

"I'm coming back..." Tae whispered to himself.

Veeeeery short chapter, I know! Sorry Lovies!

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