twenty two

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chapter twenty two— 8 letters

jeongguk was watching some cartoons with luigi when the boys barged into his room.
" sorry boss, but we have a problem. giuliana is in danger."

blood drained from the mafia's face. " jimin stay with lui."

" g-goo, ish gigi otay?"

" gigi is fine, lui. jimin will stay with you while i go pick up gigi, alright? be a good boy." he kisses his forehead and rushes out the door.

" we send out backup when cade signaled us." namjoon toss the rifle jeongguk's way. he caught in and hopped in the car.

" FUCK!" he bounces up his knee, praying to the universe that his girl is safe.

" let me go you asshole." giuliana throw her kick in the man's face. " feisty, little girl. i get why jeongguk is so head over heels for you." he snickered and snatch giuliana by the arm, throwing her on the glass windows and shattering them.

" GIGI" jess exclaimed and tried helping her up, but one of the panthers step on her back with his stompers. jess screamed, clenching her fists.

" count your days." giuliana weakly coughed and stand on her knees. " should i be scared, eh? you think i care about your pathetic mafia jeon?" he laughs and slaps her across the cheek. the female reached for a piece of glass, she aimed for his eyes, hitting the pupil. the panther member stumbled back, yelling for the pain to stop.

" jess" giuliana gasped and help her up. " we need to get out of her, like fast." both females ran with great difficulty since they were badly injured. " we need to leave through the backdoor." giuliana pants.

" backdoor? gigi are you out of your mind? the mall is surrounded by men who want you dead. how the hell can we get out?"

" we can, i know this mall very well. if we stay close we can make it out safe."

" i can't believe this is your life now." jess tsk earning a nudge on the arm. " i knew the consequences when i first confessed, girly. i am aware of the fire i'll be walking through. now let's get out of here."

jeongguk and the rest made it to the mall to see cade and his men fighting off the panthers. " boss, you guys search for ms. wilson and her friend; we'll handle them."

" yoongi and jung, escort everyone out of here. namjoon and taehyung come with me." jeongguk proclaimed and snap the necks of everyone who stands in his way. he fired his rifle and climbed up the stairs, skipping 2 or 4 of them.

they spilt up so the search can be quicker. to say jeongguk was furious would be an understatement. he will bury every soul alive if they dare to harm his beloved. he called giuliana and his heart beat its normal rate, hearing the sound of her voice.


baby, where are you? please, let me know.


i-in the basement, honey.

we're close to reaching the b-backdoor.

the call begins losing connection because there's no service.


good girl. fuck, sweetheart, i'm so proud of you. once you make it outside, wait for me in the car, hm? i'll be there soon.



the call disconnected and without realizing it, someone snuck up behind jeongguk and kick him down the stairs. the panther grab the mafia by the collar and landed a few punches on his face. when he was about to throw another, jeongguk caught his fist and twist it to the right. he used both his feet and toss him off. jeongguk pounced on the panther and smash his head on the marble floor.

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