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chapter twelve - your story

" wait you really did that as a kid?" giuliana giggle as jeongguk throw a rock in the ocean. " yep. shot my first ever victim." he chuckles running his tongue over his lip ring.

" it was by accident, though. my father took me to one his shooting ranges when i was about 6. it was really cool watching his friends shoot their guns, so i wanted to try it. i took a pistol and shot one of the guys in the thigh."

" oh my, little jeongguk was mischievous huh?" the female raised her brow at him. " still is." he laugh and drunk his beverage.

giuliana blushed hearing the sound of his laugh. she can't help but grow feelings for the mafia boss. everything about him is just so perfect.

oh if she only know the darkness behind that smile.

" lui was right, you do resemble a bunny a lot."

jeongguk internally roll his eyes, " bunny my ass" giuliana playfully hit his arm and pull out her phone. " i'll show you." she went and kneel in front of jeongguk displaying a pic of him smiling moments ago. " yah! this was taken without my consent."

" tsk sue me." the waitress sarcastically remarked. " send that to me." jeongguk wanted her number so this is his only chance. giuliana gave him his phone so he could insert his number in. " why does it say 'private?' "

" cause is it." jeongguk shrug his shoulders. giuliana sat beside him and drew nearer, reluctantly laying her head on his muscular bicep watching the waves hover over one another. the mafia boss heart skipped a beat and his body tensed.


" so by this time, lui is home alone?" he tries to start a conversation. " yea."

" why isn't he at a babysitter or something? you know, it's not safe for him."

" i can't afford a babysitter, gguk. plus he doesn't trust anybody but me." giuliana shoulders slumped. " what about your parents, petal?"

" my father is locked up while my mother is receiving treatment." jeongguk was moved, this was the unexpected answer. " oh, what happened to them?"

" i'll tell you another time, hopefully." she bit her lower lip. " the beach is so peaceful." she quickly change the subject. joengguk could tell it was a sensitive topic for her. " yea, it is." he circle his arm around her waist and rest his head on top of hers. giuliana blush and fiddle with her shirt.

" what do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking." giuliana asked with a curiosity evident in her tone. cause the male is fucking wealthy. everything about him screams rich.

jeongguk paused for a moment, he didn't wanna lie to her and he also didn't wanna tell her that he's a mob boss, a drug lord, someone who enjoys murdering people, oh and the list goes on and on.

he didn't wanna scare her off, so answered. " i'll tell you someday."

giuliana pouted, " why can't you tell me now?"
" wanna tell me where that tattoo is?" he fires back. " fair enough." she blow out her cheeks.

at the moment, jeongguk wanted to risk everything and just squish those cheeks. he has no clue of what is going on with him, lately.
he seems like a different person and he can't help but become worried.
he's also risking giuliana's safety to spend some quality time with her.

" c'mon let's go run in the water." she rose from the ground and stand in front of jeongguk, who was sitting.
" why?" he seems uninterested. " cause it'll be fun, c'mon." she drags him with all her might.

jeongguk pulled himself up and the thing he knew, giuliana splashed water in his face. the mafia boss let out a subtle growled and chased the waitress.
" you little devil."

it's fucking freezing, yet they're playing in the water like it's 100 degrees outside.

giuliana let out a scream as she was lifted by jeongguk. she begin kicking her legs, begging for the male to put her down. jeongguk ignored her and toss her in the ocean.
" jeongguk you asshole!" she grumbled and proceed to return to the surface, but waves shoved her down.

" jeongguk!" she yelled for help.

the color drained from the male's face. giuliana continued fighting off the waves, she was scared shitless.

relief consumed her as a pair of muscular arms pulled her out. she let out a few coughs with teary eyes. jeongguk waded his way through the waves, holding giuliana tightly to his chest.

she buried her face in neck, still trembling from the impact. " i'm sorry about that." he apologized, feeling a bit embarrassed.

what's all these new emotions that the mafia boss is unlocking? it's not that he lack any, it's just all new to him.
" n-no, it's fine. the waves were just too strong." she reassures.

jeongguk caress her waist and made it to the shoreline. " wanna go in the car? " giuliana hummed in response. good thing the male had towels in the trunk.

The One She Wants | JJKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora