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chapter two- coke

park jimin, the assistant rushes out into the corridor after receiving the call from his boss. he pushes the glass door open and walks inside. " yes, mr. jeon?" he bows and waited for the man to speak. " i need you to do a delivery for me. it should be done before noon."

" alright, boss. may i ask what it is?" jimin placed his hands behind his back. " one of our allie, wang is in the hospital for some injuries during his mission. i want you to go to the flower shop and buy a bouquet of tulips. meet min in the warehouse and he'll explain everything else to you." the ceo ordered.

" i'll get it done, boss." the assistant voiced after mr. jeon dismissed him. jimin made his way out of the building and hopped in his car, driving to the flower shop. he put his mask on and enters as the bell jingles. the short male purchased the tulips and went to the warehouse.

" do you have what the boss asked for?" min queried. " yea, it's here and i have a question though." he handed the bouquet to the hacker. " if it is about this shit, go back and ask, boss."

" oh c'mon yoongi. why would boss send flowers to wang? he's not usually the type to do this, it's odd." jimin was intrigued. yoongi rolled his eyes and open the box full of small baggies of coke. " i feel so stupid."

" you're finally realizing that shit?" the male snarled and hide each bag of cocaine inside the tulips. " could you be any nicer? always grumpy for what?" jimin complained and sat on the chair.

the hacker shakes his head, " if you're here might as well make yourself useful. after all, you're the one delivering these." the assistant sighed and start with the other pack. " boss is so unpredictable sometimes, don't you think?"

" he's always like that, jimin. however, i admire that about him. namjoon is arriving tomorrow with the others." yoongi shroud the bouquet again and positioned it on the table. " yea, boss informed me. it's about time, they've been gone for 6 months."

once they were done, jimin placed the bouquets in the truck and hop in the car, driving off to the airport where the private jet will be waiting. yoongi stayed and made some calls to notify the boys that jimin will be making a stop in shanghai.

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