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chapter fourteen— betrayal

" i can't believe jung would do this to me." the mafia boss rose from his leather and took a stroll to the window.

" i never trusted that guy anyway. he stole from us." jimin roll his eyes. " what should we do now, boss?" namjoon said tossing the folder to taehyung who caught it.

" track him down and lock him up in the dungeon." jeongguk ordered but his mind wasn't there. his mind is too preoccupied with giuliana. he keeps denying the truth that he cares deeply about her.

" we're on it, boss." taehyung gave him a firm nod and head out with the others.

jess step inside the locker room to see giuliana changing out of her uniform.
" you're leaving already?" she questioned.

" yea, girl. my shift is completed." the waitress replied as she ties her shoelaces.

" i was thinking about if you could head to the movies with me. i have an extra ticket." jess offers with a smile on her face.

" sure i'd love to come. i have two extra tickets too." giuliana heart beats rapidly, remembering the phone call with jeongguk.

" oh that's good, i can ask suhun to come as well. what movie were you going to see?"

" the woman's king," giuliana push the thoughts about the male somewhere else and gave jess her full attention. " that's crazy, me too. everyone's been talking about it and i wanna see if it's good too."

" i think is it, the trailer caught my eye. so i'll see you there?"

" yes. meet you there at 7."

" is it okay if i bring my little brother? there's no one to watch him." jess playfully slap her shoulder. " of course."

" great! bye jess." she gave the female a quick hug before leaving. jess giggles to herself knowing that she and her coworker are finally on good terms. jess was also jealous of her because she received attention from jeon jeongguk, but now she doesn't care.

giuliana reached home and got ready. she bathe her little brother and dressed him.
" gigi, where ish we gwoing?" he tilts his head.

" we're going to see a movie, bun." the little boy's eyes widened. " reawlly? are we gwoing wit goo goo?"

" goo goo? who's that, lui?" giuliana knew who it was but she just wanted to forget about him. after the phone call, she was hurt. call her a little dramatic but having feelings for someone who spoke to you like that, hurts more than stabbing your toe.

" gguk!" he exclaimed putting his arms up. " no bun, we're going with two of gigi's friends." giuliana giggled.

giuliana picked up luigi and walk to the bus stop. they wait for a bit and the driver stopped by. once arriving at the movies, jess and suhun were standing by the ticket line waving their hands. giuliana went and stand beside them, earning weird looks from people.

" hey, you made it. omo, is this your little brother? he's so adorableee." jess squealed and waved at luigi who shyly wave back and hide his form in giuliana's chest.

" what's his name?" suhun asks. " luigi."

the movie was going well, luigi opened up a bit to jess and suhun which giuliana was relieved about. it's hard to get lui befriend someone besides her.

" i'll go use the restroom, i'll be back." giuliana got up from her seat. luigi pouted and made grabby hands. " no lui, i'll be back yea? stay here with jess and suhun." she pecks his forehead and rushes to the ladies' room.

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