twenty three

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chapter twenty-three— expect the unexpected

" boss, we found who send the panthers to attack giuliana." hoseok rush to jeongguk. " who was responsible?" he puts on his wristwatch. the hacker hands his boss the folder, gulping. to say jeongguk was livid would be an understatement. there's just no way. he can not be involved. nothing adds up.

sean wilson, giuliana's father.

the new leader of the panthers.

this news will crush her. the man has put her life through hell and now he ordered her to get killed? what more does he want?

" i suppose he's at a new location, correct?" jeongguk queried. " yea, boss. we found where he's staying. it's an old building in the woods."

" like the dirty rag he is." the mafia snarled. " what's the plan, boss?" he walks alongside him to the conference room. " bring him into the warehouse." he place the folder on the table. " this is fucked up, boss." jimin butted in.

" how will you tell giuliana?" yoongi questions. " i don't know, yoongs. i don't know." jeongguk card his fingers through his hair, leaning on the chair. " i read that he was recently released from prison for sexual assault and attempted rape." hoseok wanted to gag.

" but trying to murder your daughter, c'mon that's just sick." namjoon shook his head, putting on his protective gear.

" don't you have your date, boss?" taehyung tried to lighten up the mood a bit. jeongguk hummed and check his watch. " notify when you have him and be careful."

" boss can i join them?" jimin pleaded. " park, you're not perfectly trained." jeongguk declined. " i am, boss. hoseok hyung has been coaching me."

" is that true?" the mafia raised his brow. " yes, boss." jeongguk looked at his right hand, namjoon. " unfortunately, i'd have to agree."

" hey! what do you mean by unfortunately?" the assistant groan and slap namjoon on the chest. " alright, i'm off." jeongguk says and walks out the door. " yes! yes! i am ready to kick some asses" jimin cheered.

" i fear for you," yoongi tsk causing the male to roll his eyes. " leave me alone."

" babe, are you alright?" giuliana trace the tattoos on his knuckles. jeongguk bite his lip and nodded, " i'm okay, princess. let's watch the movie hm?" he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pecking her cheek. the couple is at the movies, watching 'the woman's king'  because they both never got the opportunity to. however, ever since it started jeongguk has been lost in thought. still thinking of ways to tell her.

" no, tell me what's wrong? you've been distracted with something." her tone laced with concern. " i'll tell you later, love. but i promise'm okay. gguke is okay." he nuzzle their cheeks. " alright," giuliana feed him some popcorn and darted her attention to the big screen. jeongguk chews the popcorn and quickly kisses her forehead.

after the movie was done, jeongguk intertwine their fingers and stroll down to namdaenun market. " it's so pretty, here." she smiled scanning around. " come here, my love." he took her to a station where an elderly woman is selling dakkochi. they bowed and the woman's heart swells as she and her husband adore giuliana and jeongguk even though they haven't met.


an elderly couple is sitting across from giuliana and jeongguk and their heart warmed up by watching them.

" they're happy together." the elderly male holds his wife's hand while it was shaking a bit.

" yea honey, look at how he's looking at her—he loves her." the wife gently laid her head on her husband's shoulder.

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