Chapter 29 - Consuming Fury

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Sally frantically struggled out of Masky's arms and off his back. She fell to the concrete ground, but quickly scrambled to her feet.
Johnny pressed on the gas and turned the wheel to run Jeff's body right over.
Then he just drove right on, away from them, leaving Jeff lying motionless on the concrete, bloody and broken.
"Holy shit!" Masky shouted as he and Hoodie both ran to Jeff.
Sally's eyes are wide with shock as she made slowly her way to them. Jeff's body was twisted out of shape, and his legs are obviously the most damaged. One leg's shin is snapped at a right angle with the bloodied bone ripping through the skin and jeans, as the other leg's knee is bent in the wrong direction. His pelvis was twisted in an odd position that couldn't possibly have been comfortable. He squirmed unconsciously, as if his body knew that something was wrong with it. The sight almost nauseated Sally.
Hoodie was the first to break the silence.
"Oh, fuck."
Johnny parked his truck behind the warehouse, still snickering, but there's a psychotic edge to his laughter. He knew exactly what he was doing when he ran over Jeff. He knew that Sally wouldn't come alone, so might as well lessen the number of their group, one by one.
He walked up to the large door, and then walked into the abandoned building.
Maria and Liu are still restrained, neither of them can move from the positions they're in. Liu is losing feeling in his arm that is crushed under his weight and it's bugging the hell out of him.
Liu and Maria would have casual talk. Liu would make lame jokes and tell little stories to keep Maria and himself calm. He's been thinking of ways to get out of these restraints, but so far, none had worked. He had a pocket knife in his pocket, and even if their kidnapper didn't take it, he wouldn't be able to reach it because of his bonds.
It's getting harder for Liu to concentrate because of the growing pain in his arm.
Liu sighed and let his head fall against the concrete ground to relieve his neck muscles from holding his head up for so long, but he immediately lifted his head again once he heard the sound of a door opening and closing, footsteps, and chuckles echoing in the darkness around them.
Maria's eyes darted around, her fear quickly devouring her calm. It was very silent once the footsteps and the laughter stopped right outside the circle of light they're in the center of. Someone is standing outside of the light, out of their sight, but whoever it is can see them clearly. They can feel eyes on them.
"Who's there?" Liu was the one to speak up, and he didn't expect one, but he got a reply.
"Someone you don't know," the voice said. "But I'm someone Maria knows."
Maria's eyes widened when she recognized the familiar voice. So she really did see him in the reflection!
But, wait...
Johnny stepped into the light for them both to see, a large smile spread across his face, but his eyes revealed no emotion.
"Joh...nny?" Maria whispered, her wide eyes staring into Johnny's dark gaze, but then she scanned his appearance.
Dried blood trailed from his nose and mouth. His torn, blood-stained shirt revealed a large wound that is stitched closed, but it's ghastly and bloody. The skin around it is a deep red, but the rest of his skin is pale. His stomach is sunken inwards, like its been emptied out. It gave him an unnaturally frail appearance, despite that the rest of his body looks almost normal.
"Maria, how are you?" Johnny asked in a friendly tone, but it's fake and they all knew it.
"Johnny...I thought you were dead," Maria whispered, and she can't seem to get her voice any louder than that.
"Johnny? What the hell?" Liu exclaimed, now glaring up at Johnny with weary blue eyes once he realized that this is the man Maria told him about earlier. "You were killed!"
"I was," Johnny shrugged a bit. "But little Sally wasn't careful enough to make sure I stay dead."
"Wh-What?" Maria asked, confused by the mention of her daughter's name, and Johnny looked at her.
"Oh, you don't know?" Johnny's grin widened. "Your sweet, innocent little angel isn't as sweet and innocent as you think, dear Maria. She's the one who murdered me, and boy was it frightening."
Maria couldn't speak. Sally, her little girl, couldn't have possibly killed Johnny. Maria couldn't comprehend that vile sentence including her sweet little girl's name. Sally...a murderer? It doesn't fit together in her mind. Maria couldn't believe it. He must be lying.
"W-Wait, if she killed you, then how are you-" Johnny cut Liu off.
"I don't know, I just died and I woke up feeling like a new person, born into a new life." Johnny said with a sigh, still smiling. "But now, she and I need to finish our game."
Maria's shock quickly turned into anger once she remembered that he's the reason Sally is dead. "'re a murderer. You killed her!"
She began thrashing against her restraints as she glared at Johnny, spitting her words in absolute rage.
"You son of a bitch! You killed her! You killed my little girl! How could you!? You're family! You'll wish you were in Hell already when I get done with you!" She screamed. "You sorry piece of shit!"
Liu, despite the situation they're in, looked a bit prided by Maria's confidence and anger, but then he, too, glared at Johnny.
"Why the hell did you kidnap us?" Liu demanded.
Johnny simply ignored Maria's cries and looked at Liu with a smug expression.
"Of course, once Sally finds out I have her dear mother, she'll come to her rescue. Sally may be as sick as I am, but she still has care for her mother. Sweet, isn't it?" Johnny said, though his eyes revealed only hatred and something else, something that sent shivers up Maria's and Liu's spines.
"Why do you want Sally?" Maria seethed. "You leave her alone!"
"To finish our game!" Johnny said, as if she should have already known. "It was unfair that she had so much strength against me. So, now, it'll be a fair fight."
"Then what do you want with Liu?" Maria asked, her hair is a bit messy and hanging over her face from her rants and struggling, but she didn't care as she glared up at Johnny with as much hatred and anger as she could muster up. "He has nothing to do with this! Let him go!"
"Now you see, I can't do that." Johnny turned to walk away. "Not until our dear Sally decides to come and join our little reunion."
"You sick monster!" Maria shouted, tears dripping down her cheeks as she continued struggling against the tape, but still no progress. Johnny only laughed and walked into the shadows where he will await.

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