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I was awoken by Alfie's lips touching my forehead and his hand rubbing my upper back.

"Zoe. The pizza is here." He whispered.

I let out a small groan and opened my eyes squinting at him. He let out a chuckle and quickly put a hand over his mouth, trying to mask the fact that he was laughing. I smacked him playfully on the arm and sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, and standing up.

Once downstairs I sat down on the couch and wrapped myself up in a fleece blanket, hugging my knees against my chest. The rain was still falling outside, however, you couldn't really hear thunder anymore.

Alfie held a plate of pizza in front of me. I took it and sat it on my knees right next to my face.

"Thanks babe." I said.

"Drink?" He asked.

"Water, please." I said with a mouthful of pizza.

I sat my plate down on the coffee table and laid my head on Alfie's shoulder. He was still eating his pizza, Alfie cannot eat and watch tv at the same time. He gets distracted. He wrapped an arm around me and I fell onto his chest and snuggled into him.

Once Alfie was done he sat his plate beside him on the couch and placed his hand on my bent knee. Squeezing it firmly.

"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" He asked quietly.

I shook my head from left to right. "No. I want to be with you." I said my eyes half shut.

He kissed my forehead. "One second." He said standing up.

Grabbing the plates and cups he walked into the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher. He picked me up over the back of the couch and turned off the tv.

Once in the room he laid me in the bed and got in beside me. Instead of being folded into a ball, like I was on the couch, I intertwined my legs in his and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Looking up at him he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss, cupping my cheek.

"Love you." He said against my lips.

"Love you, too." I answered.

I rested my head on Alfie's chest and he placed a hand on my back, and rubbed relaxingly. My eyes shut and I fell asleep to the sound of the television.

I woke up after about an hour and saw small little snow flurries floating around outside. Alfie had turned off the tv and fallen asleep.

I slowly removed myself from the bed and walked into the spare room, where I had hidden all of Alfie's Christmas presents. The 25th was next week and I could not be more excited! I loved Christmas. I had to get these presents wrapped and under the tree, Alfie already had mine down there and my dad and Joe's down there as well.

I could not believe Alfie had bought my dad and Joe things, he was great. Pulling the presents out of the wardrobe I set them on the bed and grabbed some blue wrapping paper with snowflakes and snowmen on.

I bought Alfie some hype t-shirts, a new pair of vans, a Liverpool Jumper, and an electric helicopter.

After wrapping everything and adding cute bows I walked down the stairs and placed them under the tree, rearranging them every 20 seconds. I grabbed the unwrapped ones for Joe and dad, and sat them in the living room floor so I could wrap them.

Alfie got my dad and Joe each these really fancy watches. He also got Joe a helicopter, thats where I got the idea, and my dad a new set of pots and pans, since my dad loves to cook. After wrapping those and putting the right names and "From: Alfie" on them I placed them back under the tree with mine and Alfie's.

Alfie walked down the stairs and stretched his arms out.

"Hey." He said yawning. "Whatcha doing?" He asked bending over planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"Wrapping these last few." I said tilting my head back and looking up at him.

"Thanks." He said.

We were going to Alfie's parents house on Christmas eve and my dad and Joe were coming on Christmas.

"Alfie. What should I get your parents?" I asked him while I was wrapping Joe's gift from me.

"Nothing. We got them a trip." He said opening his computer.

"And Poppy?"

"Just get her some or something." He said sounding confused.

I chuckled and settled on the thought that I would get her some mac and nars makeup and brushes.

I placed all the wrapped presents back under the tree and sat beside Alfie on the couch.

"We must go to the mall so I can shop for Louise, Darcy, and Poppy." I said.

"Okay. We'll go tomorrow." He said turning his head to face me.

I leaned in and kissed him softly. Grabbing the remote from the table I started scrolling through the current programs that were on. I settled on Harry Potter and opened my laptop, going through emails and such.

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Thanks for reading.

Love, Caity! xxxx

A Love Like This *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now