We're moving!

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Alfie's POV

I rolled onto my left side and opened my eyes. Zoe was still asleep. Her hands tucked under her tiny face, breathing in and out steadily. With my right hand I reached over and tucked a strand hair behind her ear. She started to stir and I quickly withdrew my hand. I didn't want to wake her.

I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. After stretching my arms out and yawning I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. I made a bowl of greek yogurt with granola and fruit. I spooned a bit into my mouth and grabbed the bowl up off the counter.

I quietly opened the door only to see Zoe sitting up in bed. I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I said shutting the door.

I turned to the bed and stopped. Every time I saw Zoe my heart sped up and my breaths became a little shallow. Zoe was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
Long beautiful hair, perfectly sculpted eye brows, the most gorgeous sapphire eyes that you could get lost in if you stared long enough. And most importantly, her smile. Every time she smiled at me I fell in love with her all over again.

"No, its okay, I was already awake." She said beaconing me to join her in the bed.

I handed her my bowl. "Here, I'll go make more. Be right back." I left the room before she could protest and made my way back to the kitchen.

After making another perfect bowl of yogurt, I made my way back up the stairs. Zoe was on her laptop and watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S on the telly. I sat down beside her and started eating breakfast. Looking over at Zoe's screen I choked on a blueberry and started coughing. "Alfie!" She said as she started patting my back. "Are you okay?"

"Yea." She was looking at homes like proper houses. "Why are you looking at houses?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

"Oh, I just though...it would be nicer to raise a family in a home, with a garden, and with streets safe enough for biking. I'm sorry." The words flew out of her mouth like she thought she was in trouble.

I sat down my bowl and took her hands in mine. "No, it's okay. I think it's a great idea." I said grabbing her neck and pulling her forehead to my lips. I released her hands and took the computer from her lap. "But, we should be looking here." I said as I typed 'Wiltshire' into the search bar.

Zoe grew up in Wiltshire, so I thought it would be nice to raise our kids there as well. A large smile spread across her face and she wrapped her tiny arms around me. "Thank you so much Alfie!" She exclaimed. "Oh, look at that one!" She said pointing to the screen.

"Pick one you like." I said handing her the laptop. I got out of the bed and walked over to my desk to start working.

About 45 minutes later Zoe walked over, carrying her laptop. "I like this one!" She said setting down the computer on my desk.

I sold one more share of stock and then turned my attention to her computer screen. The house was large and classically British. It was Tudor Revival, and had three large chimneys. Including tall windows, a cobblestone-like exterior, and a huge arched entryway.

"I love it, Zoe!" I said clicking 'more info' on the page. I set up an appointment for a walkthrough on Friday and then handed her back her computer.

"So we're moving?" She asked setting the computer on the bed and walking back over to me, placing her tiny hands on my shoulders.

"Yes, we're moving." I said smiling up at her.

"Yay!" She said as she ran over to the bedside table and picked up her mobile. "Let's call dad!" She pulled over one of the chairs that sat in front of the fireplace.

She dialed his number and placed her phone on speaker, handing it to me. "Hello?" Graham said.

"Hi, Graham, it's Alfie, how are you?"

"Hi Alfie! I'm good, how are you and Zo?"

"We're good, we're good. But we have some news."

"Okay?" He replied sounding a bit concerned.

"Zoe and I are moving." I said. "So we can raise the baby in a little bit safer environment."

Zoe clamped her hand over her mouth. "Okay? Umm...where to?" He asked.

"DAD WE'RE MOVING BACK TO WILTSHIRE!" Zoe yelled into the phone.

"What?!" Graham said, laughing.

"Yep! Wiltshire, Lacock!" I said as I draped an arm around Zoe.

"Oh, that makes me so happy! I'll get see my grand-baby all the time." He said.

It made me so happy that Graham was excited for the arrival of the little one. I was even more happy with the fact that he approved of me.

"I have a walkthrough scheduled for Friday. Do you and Joe wanna come?" I asked as I typed something into the computer.

"Yes! Of course. We would love too!"

"Great, we'll call you later!" Zoe said standing up from her chair.

"Good, love you guys! Talk to you soon." Graham said.

Zoe hung up and sat in my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you so much Alfie."

"Only the best for my little ones." I said. Kissing the top of her head gently.


Thanks so much for reading! I hope that this chapter was okay, my first time doing Alfie's POV. Please leave comments telling me what you think and thank you for reading!

Love Caity xx

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