A wedding in the near future.

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The sound of hushed voices woke me up. Alfie's mum, dad, and sister Poppy had arrived and were admiring Joseph. Alfie saw my eyes flick open and walked over to me, kissing my forehead tenderly.

"Good morning." He said softly. "How are you feeling?" He asked standing back up straight.

"I'm good." I answered looking past him at his family. "Good morning guys."

"Zoe he is adorable. He looks just like you." Alfie's mum said smiling at me. I blushed slightly and thanked her.

Today we get to take Joseph home and I was so excited. Alfie's family were staying over night and heading back to Brighton tomorrow.

And then on Sunday my mum is coming to visit. Yes, my mum. Alfie has really helped me to open my eyes and kind of forgive my mother. Everybody makes mistakes. My mum made a mistake. I'm not saying that cheating is okay. Cheating is terrible, but it was along time ago. And wether I liked it or not I needed my mother. Alfie and I had talked to her multiple times, even had some lunches together during the last few months of the pregnancy. Each of us had voiced our opinions, concerns and reasoning for acting the way we did.

And believe it or not. I was excited to see her. I had missed her these past couple of years.

Alfie buckled Joseph into his carrier and picked it up, resting it on his arm. I walked out of the bathroom in jeans, Alfie's oversized hoodie, my hair in a top bun, and some flats. I was packing up my bag and Alfie was just looking at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked sounding concerned.

"No." He said walking over to me and wrapping his left arm around me. "You're beautiful."

Alfie's family had left before us so they could get a table for dinner. We signed some papers at the front desk and then walked out to Alfie's car. He buckled in the baby and then got in and started down the motorway.

"Zoe." A hushed voice said. Alfie slid his arms under my legs and around my back. "Mum grab Joseph. Dad can you grab my keys and unlock the door." I snuggled into Alfie's chest and took a deep breath.

"Your rooms are upstairs. Zoe got them ready last week so everything should be in there for you. I'll come get Joe in a few minutes."

I felt Alfie start up the stairs. He placed me into the nice warm bed and pulled off my shoes. "Zoe." He said once more, shaking my shoulder.

"Huh. Sorry." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"No dont get up. I was just gonna let you know we're home." I laid my head back down and turned onto my side.

About 4 hours later Joseph's cry woke me. I sat up in bed and flicked on my lamp. Walking over to Alfie's side of the bed, I picked up Joseph and cradled him in my arms.

"Hi baby boy. How are you this morning?" I said in a baby voice. His cries immediately stopped at the sound of my voice and he looked up at me with his dazzling blue eyes. I smiled and walked into the nursery so I wouldn't wake Alfie.

After changing his nappy I sat down in the glider, turned on the tv, and started nursing him. I rocked back and forth and watched the morning news.

Joseph's nursery was painted a very muted blue almost gray, which I loved, and had a large 'JGD' on the wall.

My brother Joe actually painted the nursery since he studied art and was extremely talented. Alfie and I liked the 'woodland' theme. So the walls were covered in trees that made it look like a very dense forrest and had animals scattered throughout. I liked that Joe painted it quite realistically, I was never a fan of the cartoon look.

Baby Joseph would start sleeping in here when he slept through the night fully. I stood up and turned off the tv and light before I left the room. Walking back into mine and Alfie's room, I placed the now sleeping Joseph into his crib which was by the large window that overlooked the gardens.

I crawled back into bed and draped my left arm over Alfie's chest, resting my hand on his shoulder. I fell back asleep within minutes.

My sleep lasted for what felt like 10 minutes, but in realty I was asleep for a few hours. Alfie was sitting up in bed holding the baby talking to him in the cutest voice I had ever heard. "Ohh, I think mummy is waking up."

I sat up and stretched my arms out, yawning in the process. "Oi, there she is!" He said smiling at me. I snuggled up to him and rested my cheek against his warm arm.

"Hello my sweet boy." I said stroking his soft face with my index finger.

There was a knock on the door and Alfie's mum opened the door quickly. "Alfred do you want...oh sorry. Am I interrupting?"

"No Mrs. Deyes you're fine." I said. She walked further into the room and placed more wood in our fireplace. "I'll bring up some pancakes and fruit for you two."

"Thanks mum." Alfie said.

Alfie placed the last bag in the backseat of his family's car. Once his family had driven away we walked back into the house and sat down in the front room.

"My mum is coming tomorrow." I said to Alfie.

"She staying the night?"

"Yea she'll be here till Tuesday." I said looking down at Joseph.

The door bell rang and I looked at Alfie in confusion. "I have a surprise for you!" He said smiling at me.

Standing up from the sofa, I leaned down and handed the baby to Alfie. I walked into the entryway and turned the doorknob.

I was greeted by a beautiful sight. Matt, Louise, Darcy, Joe, and my dad were all standing on the other side of the door. My dad wielding 3 large bags from Nando's.

I smiled widely and waved them in from the brisk weather. I hugged them all and followed my dad into the kitchen as everybody else went to the front room for their dose of 'baby time.'

"How was your first night away from the hospital?" My dad asked as he was taking everything out of the plastic 'Nando's' bags.

"Actually not that bad. He only woke up a few times." I said smiling at him.

"You got a good egg." My dad said.

Joseph's cry interrupted us. "Zoe! He's hungry!" Alfie shouted from inside the front room.

"That's me." I said. I walked into the room where all the commotion was and picked up Joe. "You guys can start without me, I'll be down in a few minutes." I said as I walked up the staircase.

Placing the now sleeping Joe in his crib. I grabbed a baby monitor and made my way into the dining room.

"I'm starving!" I said sitting down beside Alfie and spooning some mashed potato into my mouth. The rest of the meal consisted of laughter and conversation. And then it hit me.

Now I have to plan a wedding!

Thanks sooo much for reading. It means so much.

Love, Caity.

A Love Like This *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now