Nurse Zoe to the rescue.

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My eyes fluttered open and I turned onto my side. Alfie was still asleep, snoring slightly. I smiled and stood up out of the bed, wrapping my robe around my body.

Alfie and I were going to my dads house, so he and Joe could finally fly their helicopters, that they got for Christmas.

I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I quickly washed my hair and face and then my body. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out into the bedroom over to Alfie.

I took a wet strand of my hair and ran it along his face. "Alfie Deyes." I sung. His brow furrowed and he wiped the hair away from his cheek.

He groaned and stretched his arms out above his head. I giggled at him and laid my head on his t-shirtless chest. He opened his eyes and looked down at me. I lifted my head and looked at him.

"Are you going to take a shower?" I asked, walking over to my dressing table and pulling out a bra and knickers.

"I suppose." He said, throwing the covers off his body and sitting up on the edge of the bed.

I walked over and placed my small hands on his broad shoulders. Leaning down I kissed him softly. "Love you." He said when I pulled away.

"I love you." I said, stepping back so he could go get in the shower.

He walked into the kitchen about 30 minutes later, fully dressed and ready to go. We walked to the front door and pulled on our coats.

"Ready?" I said as I pulled my gloves onto my hands.

"Yep." He replied.

He opened the large wooden door and lead me out to the car. After about a 15 minute drive we pulled into my dads drive and walked into the house.

"Hey Zo!" My dad said, walking over and wrapping his arms around me.

"Hi dad!" I replied as I unzipped my coat.

He hugged Alfie and shook his hand. We walked into the kitchen, where Joe was eating some pasta for lunch. He stood up with a mouth full of noodles and hugged Alfie and I.

"Ready!?" He asked excitedly.

"You bet!" Alfie replied.

They ran into the living room and started putting their helicopters together.

My dad set a plate of pasta in front of me and demanded that I eat it. I twirled my fork in the noodles and happily scarfed them down.

"How is the house?" My dad asked in between drinks of water.

"It's good, I've still got loads of boxes to unpack and we still have to decorate the babies room, but it's good." I said.

"Have you um...picked out a name yet?" He asked sheepishly.

"Yes, we have." I said smiling widely at him. "Do you want to know it?"

" I can wait 3 more months." He said.

"Okay." I said laughing.

The next thing I know my dad and I hear a loud yell and Alfie comes running in with blood running down his face.

"What the hell?!" I shouted. I grabbed Alfie's wrist and led him to the barstool, making him sit down. "What happened?" I said at Joe.

I wet a washcloth and pressed it against Alfie's forehead. Causing him to wince. "We were flying the helicopters, there was a gust of wind and I lost control of mine. It spun out of control and pelted Alfie in the face!" He said walking over to Alfie. "I'm sorry man." Joe said sympathetically.

"It's okay, Joe. It was an accident." Alfie replied patting Joe's shoulder.

I grabbed the first aid kit and sat it down on the counter. I grabbed the washcloth from Alfie's hands and scrubbed away the blood gently. He had a gash about 3 inches long on his forehead. "You don't need stitches." I said as I rubbed some antibiotic ointment around the wound.

I placed a big plaster over the cut and threw away the trash. "Okay you're good. Take these." I said handing him some medicine for his sure to come headache.

"Thanks. Come on Joe!" He said standing up and grabbing his controller and helicopter.

"Really!?" I said looking at him. "No, you'll get hurt again. A storm is coming its too windy." I stated shutting the first aid kit and placing it back in the cupboard.

He walked over and kissed me swiftly. "I know where to come if it happens again." He said smiling down at me.

"Please Zoe!" Joe whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I breathed. They ran outside and started hooping and hollering like school boys.

I looked at my dad and shook my head. Laughing. "Boys will be boys." He said chuckling.


Im so so so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I. Feel. Terrible.

I've just had severe writers block. But I have ideas swarming around in my head so don't worry.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think and what you'd like to read.

Thanks guys! Love, Caity!


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