The End.

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Alfie's POV.

"Natalie! Come down here please!" I yelled up the stairs.

Luke and Noah went running down the hallway. "Boys, please be careful!" I shouted.

"Okay dad!" They said in unison.

Luke and Noah are 12 years old. Born on July 8th. They of course have the Sugg Family eyes and small nose. Luke is a bit taller than Noah and has dirty blonde hair. Where as Noah has dark brown hair.

Today was Natalie's 15th birthday. My the years have flown. It's hard to believe that Zoe and I are in our 40's now, and married with 4 children. It feels like yesterday when we brought little Joseph home from the hospital.

Zoe walked through the door, balancing a cake and shopping bags. I rushed over and took everything from her arms. I bent over and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Hi." I said rushing into the kitchen to set everything down.

"Natalie!" Zoe shouted up the stairs.

She walked into the kitchen. "She ready yet?" Zoe asked me.

"She should be. I woke her up a couple of hours ago."

"Luke and Noah?" She asked.

"Front room."

I was placing the candles into the cake and Zoe walked over to me. Wrapping her arms around my waist. She looked up at me, her big beautiful eyes focused on mine. She was still beautiful as ever. Her hair was no longer ombré and she wore less makeup than she did in her 20's. But I'm not complaining. The doorbell rang, breaking me out of my daze.

"Grandpa!!" I heard Luke shout.

Graham walked into the kitchen with Joe and his Daughter Elizabeth. "Where's Morgan?" Zoe asked.

"She is feeling ill." Joe said setting Elizabeth down.

Elizabeth ran off with Luke and Noah into the back yard.

"Hi dad!" Zoe said wrapping her father in a quick hug.

Natalie came into the kitchen and sat at a barstool. "Hello Natalie." Graham said.

She turned her head and smiled at him. She looks more and more like Zoe everyday. Same dazzling smile, long beautiful hair, and eyes so blue you could swim in them. She was petite and thin how I would imagine Zoe at 15.

She stood up and hugged Graham and Joe and then headed into the front room with her plate of food.

Graham and Joe sat down at the bar and Zoe handed them each a glass of water. After a couple minutes of small conversation Joseph walked into the kitchen.

Tall, tan, and toned is how I would describe him. He was about 2 inches taller than me. Again had Zoe's big white smile, and blue eyes. Maybe that's why girls fawned over the 19 year old all the time.

He walked over and threw an arm over Zoe's shoulder. "Hey grandpa." He said popping a bit of cheese into his mouth and smiling widely at him.

Zoe's POV

"Goodnight boys." I said kissing each of them on their foreheads.

"Goodnight mum." I turned off their light and walked over to Natalie's room.

"Natalie Louise, put down the phone and go to bed. You have school in the morning."

"Yes ma'am." She groaned.

Walking further into the room I gave her a hug and a kiss. "I love you." I said to her.

"I love you too, mum." She replied laying her head down onto the pillow.

I clicked off her lamp and left her door cracked open. Joe was sitting at his desk playing a game on his computer. "What time do you have work tomorrow?" I asked.

"Half 7." He replied pausing his game and turning to me. "I'm going to bed in a few minutes."

"Okay. Goodnight sweetie." I said shutting the door.

"Love you mum!" He shouted through the door. I smiled to myself and walked into Alfie and I's room.

Family pictures scattered the walls and clothes that needed to be folded and put away sat in the floor. Alfie was in bed watching television.

I crawled into bed and rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead lightly.

I feel truly blessed. To have met someone as lovely as Alfie, to have 4 beautiful, healthy children, and to live a life that I enjoy.

Alfie shut his laptop and placed it onto his beside table. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me softly.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too."


Im sorry but this story has sadly come to an end. :(

BUT DONT YOU FRET!! I am going to be starting another Zalfie story soon!

I hope you tune in and read it.

Thank you to everyone who read and voted and commented on this story.

Much Love, Caity!! xoxox

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