It's a...

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"ZOE!" I called out.

"Upstairs!" A very faint voice responded.

I shut the large wooden door and made my way up the stairs. Zoe was in our bedroom unpacking boxes and organizing things. She was sitting in the floor with her legs folded beneath her. I walked over and kissed the top of her head lightly. Taking in a deep breath of her strawberry shampoo as I did.

"Hi." She giggled as she stood up from the ground. She turned to me, wrapped her skinny arms around my waist, and rested her chin in the middle my chest.

I took her face in my hands and leaned down, connecting my lips to hers.

"You ready?" I asked her, sliding my hands down her neck onto her shoulders.

"Yep." She said.

I moved aside and followed her out the door and down the stairs. I had already started the car so when we got in it was nice and warm.

She slid her hand into mine as I started down the drive. I pressed a button and the gate opened. "Left." Zoe said looking down at the map on her phone.

Zoe and I were on our way to her 4 month appointment and hopefully we would find out the sex today.

I opened the door for Zoe and she walked in. "Did you say Sugg or Deyes?" I whispered into her ear.

"Deyes." She said sitting down in a chair.

I walked up to the front counter to see a woman in her late 20s wearing too much makeup. "Name?" She asked not looking up from the tabloid she was reading.

"Zoe Deyes." I said, "She's new."

She practically threw a clipboard with papers on it at me and told me to fill it out. I turned around to see Zoe smiling at me with her eyes wide. "She obviously likes her job." I said sarcastically sitting down and handing Zo the clipboard.

"Zoe?" A young man said. "This way." We stood up and followed him into the back.

After the nurse took Zoe's vitals he left and said the doctor would be in soon. Zoe laid back and rested her head on a pillow. Zoe was so tiny that she was already starting to show. I picked up the chair and placed it beside the bed where Zoe was laying.

"Excited? We find out the sex today!" She said taking my hand.

"I'm very excited!" I replied smiling. "Whatever it is, I'm happy!" I said squeezing her hand.

The doctor walked in and I let out a sigh of relief to see that it was a woman. "Hello, Zoe, my name is Mary." She said shaking Zoe's hand lightly. "And you must be Alfie." She said turning her attention to me and smiling.

"Excited about finding out the sex are we?" Mary said smiling and sitting down in her chair. "How does everything feel Zoe? Any pains or pinches? Does everything feel normal?"

"Yes, everything feels great!" Zoe exclaimed, smiling at me.

The doctor puts some gel looking stuff on Zoe's stomach and turned on the ultrasound machine. "Okay Zoe. The little one has ten fingers and ten toes, which is always good!" She said with a giggle cause Zoe and I to laugh.

"Ready?" She asked widening her eyes at us. "Okay Deyes family, you're having a..." The pause seemed to last an eternity. Zoe had her eyes closed and was clutching my hand tightly. "...a boy!" She exclaimed.

Zoe opened her eyes and tears trickled down her cheeks. I took her face in my hands and kissed her lightly. "Don't cry." I said wiping away her tears.

"I'm just so happy." She breathed.

The doctor printed out the pictures and left Zoe and I in the room, saying we could make our next appointment at the front desk. I handed Zoe her jeans and draped her coat over my arm. "Ready?" I asked smiling at her.

"Yep." She said wrapping her arm around my waist. I ushered her out into the lobby and walked up to the front desk.

I handed her my keys and told her to start the car as I made her appointment.

I walked out into the car park about 20 minutes later and saw Zoe asleep in the passenger seat. I got in and shook her awake. "Zoe?" I whispered. "Do you want food?" I asked her.

"Nandos." She whispered and then hugged my arm and fell back asleep. I smiled and started driving.

Thanks for reading!!

Caity! xxxx

A Love Like This *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now