Please read!

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Hi Guys, Caity here.

I just wanted to say that I'm not really feeling this story anymore. I'm actually getting horrible writers block overtime I try to add another chapter. And this is why my updates are taking longer and longer.

When I first started this series (I Love You More. is included) I was uploading everyday. Or every other day. And now I'm uploading once a week if that and it makes me sad.

I have so many lovely people who read and vote and comment and I feel as though I am letting you guys down.

Don't worry I will finish this story out. I will let them live a happily ever after. But I'm just ready to move on and start something new and fresh!

I've been thinking of starting a new fic for a while now, but I didn't want to neglect this one.

These two stories will always be my babies. When I sat down to write the first one I could have never imagined that so many people would love it and read it. And for that I am forever thankful.

I hope you will all love my new stories that I put out.

And thank you again for all the support and love you have shown "I Love You More" and "A Love Like This."

Love, Caity.

A Love Like This *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now