Sugg Christmas.

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I walked back into the front room and saw the boys with their presents already sat out in front of them. The rest of mine were on the couch next to Alfie and my dad. Walking over I sat down in between them and smiled at them.

"You go first dad." I said.


"To: Graham, From: Alfie." My dad read aloud smiling at Alfie.

He took the wrapping paper off of the small box and found a pair of cufflinks with a "S" on them in my dads favourite color, blue.

"Oh, wow! Thanks Alfie." He said admiring the links.

"No problem." Alfie replied smiling.

"There is one more from Alfie dad." I said picking it up and giving it to him.

He looked at Alfie in shock when he opened the brown wooden box. "No." He said smiling.

He pulled out a Jaeger-lecoultre watch and placed it on his wrist. My brother looked over in awe at the watch.

"Alfie these are expensive!" My dad said holding out his wrist so I could strap on the watch.

"It's Christmas." He stated.

"Okay Dad," I said releasing his wrist. "Now mine."

He opened his cook book and was in love, kissing me on the cheek. He then leaned down and picked up the last present, which was massive.

"To: Dad, Love: Zoe and Alfie. Merry Christmas." He read as he ripped off the paper.

Inside was a set of his favourite make of pots and pans. In silver. He wrapped me in a hug and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you guys so much!" He said reading the box.

"Okay, Joe, you." I said smiling at him.

Joe opened his watch first. He got a slightly cheaper one, and I say that lightly. He got a Bremont watch which is still an expensive make.

"Wow! Thanks Alfie." He said clasping it around his wrist.

Up next was the helicopter Alfie got him. It was huge.

"Oh my God!" Joe exclaimed. "This is amazing." He stood up and wrapped Alfie in a hug.

Dad and I laughed as Joe started taking the helicopter out of the box. It was big and yellow, with a matching remote control.

Alfie was next and opened the gifts from my dad and Joe first. They consisted of a pair of black Nike's, a black hat with a red lightening bolt on the front, and a bottle of Calvin Klein cologne.

"Thanks guys!" Alfie said giving them each a hug.

Next Alfie opened the presents from me. Dad and Joe were working on the helicopter and weren't really paying attention. He opened the vans first. They were red with brown souls. Alfie loved them. He then opened the Hype shirts. There were 4 and he was so excited about them. He opened the Liverpool jumper and was ecstatic. He gave me a quick kiss and then opened his helicopter that I got him. It was just like Joe's but red.

"Joe! Look!" Alfie said lifting up the helicopter.

"Nice! You'll have to come out to Wiltshire and fly with me!" Joe said.

"Boys and their toys." I whispered in my dads ear, making him laugh.

"Okay Zoe, your up!" There were 6 boxes sitting at my feet and I decided to open Alfie's first.

The first gift was a large bright orange suitcase that I could take to the Bahamas with Louise.

"You planned with Louise! Didn't you?!" I said smiling at him.

"Maybe." He said smiling slyly making dad and Joe laugh.

I then opened a rectangular box that had a pair of white and black Nike's inside. I've been wanting a pair of these for a while. Alfie must listen to me. The last gift from Alfie was a small black box with a little red bow on. Inside was a pair of diamond heart earrings. My mouth dropped open and I smiled at Alfie.

"Thank you!" I said kissing him.

"You're welcome. Merry Christmas." He said cupping my cheek.

"Okay Zoe. This one is from me." Joe said handing me a box.

Inside was a selection pack and I couldn't help but laugh. Joe knew that I loved chocolate. I gave him a hug and sat back down in my spot.

"Here ZoBo!" My dad said. Handing me a small envelope. Which held a £500 pound gift voucher for Primark.

"No way!" I said hugging him.

"There's one more."

The last gift of the day was for me. It was about 3 feet tall and about 6 inches wide. I peeled off the wrapping paper and tears instantly formed in my eyes. Every year on my birthday since Joe was born my dad has taken pictures of the three of us. There was a single row of 23 pictures. From 1-24 the first photo didn't have Joe in it but every other one did. I studied every picture and couldn't help the tears from spilling from my eyes.

"Do you like it Zo? I made the frame myself!" My dad said behind me.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love it dad!" I whispered.


I walked out of the bathroom after getting sick and joined Alfie in bed. It was now late about half 9 and Dad and Joe had gone home. Alfie was in bed working and I was watching tv playing with my engagement ring.

"Have you made an appointment to go to the doctor yet?" Alfie asked looking up at me?

"Yea I go on Monday." I said looking back at him.

"I'm sorry you feel so bad." He said taking my hand in his.

"It's okay." I said leaning my head onto his shoulder.

He kissed me lightly on the top of the head and went back to work.

I turned my head and looked out the window at the rain falling. Alfie had hung up the picture frame beside the window because he knows I look that way every morning.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and just studied the pictures as I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading. I hope you are enjoying it. Please tell me what you think.

Love Caity.

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