Moment of truth.

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I tiptoed down the stairs, carefully as to not wake anybody. However, when I stepped into the kitchen Graham was sitting at the bar eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." I said walking over to the fridge.

"Good Morning, Alfie. Zoe still asleep?" He asked looking back down at the magazine he was reading.

"Yeah. Joseph usually wakes up around half 6 though. So might as well let her sleep." I pulled out the eggs and placed a skillet onto the range.

Graham stood up and placed his now empty bowl into the dishwasher. "A storm is moving in so Joe and I are leaving around 10."

"Okay that's fine, Tracey should be here around 4. At least that's when we're picking her up from the station." I said sliding the omelette onto a plate.

Louise walked in with Matt and sat Darcy down onto one of the barstools. "Zoe's Lucky Charms are in the cupboard. Help yourselves." I said as I cut up some fruit and added it onto the plate.

"Thanks Alfie." Louise said as she pulled out three bowls.

I poured a tall glass of orange juice and placed it onto the tray next to Zoe's breakfast. Walking over to the dumbwaiter I placed the tray inside and then hit the 'up' button. A few seconds later the tray was gone and headed up towards the master bedroom.

I sat down at the bar in between Graham and Darcy and started eating my own breakfast of eggs and toast.

I slowly opened the door to Zoe and I's room and saw the lights off and the cleared breakfast tray sitting on the dresser. Walking a bit farther into the room I saw Zoe and Joseph. Zoe was asleep holding Joseph tightly to her chest.

I smiled and walked over. Moving the hair out of Zoe's face I kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Zoe." I whispered against her temple.

She groaned and opened her eyes, squinting at me. I let out a small chuckle and stood back up straight. "Everybody's leaving. Come say goodbye."

I gently took Joseph from her and cradled him in my arms. Zoe very groggily swung her legs over the edge of the bed, shoved her feet into her slippers, wrapped her robe around her body, and made her way out into the hallway. I followed after her, but before heading downstairs I placed Joseph into his crib, grabbed the baby monitor, and quietly left his room.

Matt hugged his coat tightly around his body, took a deep breath and sprinted out the front door. The rain was really coming down and Matt was going to pull the car up closer to the entryway for Louise and Darcy.

"Bye Chummy." Louise said, wrapping her arms around Zoe.

"Bye. I'll skype you later on tonight." Zoe replied.

"Bye bye Alfie." Darcy said, waving her tiny hand up at me. I bent down and picked her up. Giving her a hug.

"Bye Darcy." I said kissing her cheek.

I gave Louise a hug and then handed Darcy to her. Matt pulled the car up as close as he possibly could to the front of the house. Louise gripped Darcy close to her body and briskly walked out to the car. Hurriedly buckling in Darcy and getting into the passenger seat.

Zoe shut the large wooden door and turned towards her father and brother. She wrapped her arms around Graham. "Wish me luck with mum." She said sounding tired.

"Good Luck." Graham said kissing her forehead lovingly.

She kissed her dads cheek and moved to say goodbye the Joe. I shook Graham's hand and hugged him. "Drive safe." I said as I gave Joe a quick hug.

"We will. I'll call later." Joe said. "We can all have brunch with mum Tuesday or something?" He said as he put on his coat.

"Sounds good. Love you guys." Zoe said out the door as they walked towards Joe's car.

The sound of Zoe's singing voice caught me off guard and caused me to drop all the work I was doing and find her to witness this beautiful sight.

I walked up the stairs slowly. Because I knew that if she found out I heard her she would immediately stop. I found her in the nursery. Standing at the window looking out at the rain.

I folded my arms over my chest and leaned against the door frame. Once the song was over Zoe started up with a different one. She had a lovely voice.

I pulled out my phone and quickly snapped a photo. All you could see was the back of Zoe and Joseph's head. But after some color editing and making it look super snazzy I made it my lock screen. I smiled and placed the phone back into my pocket.

I walked further into the room and wrapped my arms around Zoe's waist and kissed her cheek. Resting my chin on her shoulder I took a deep breath, letting her wonderful scent fill my nose. A smile spread across my face at the familiar aroma. I gently rubbed Joseph's head and stepped back.

"Ready?" I asked taking Joe from her and placing him in his carrier.

"Yeah." She said sounding a bit nervous.

I walked over to her and hugged her reassuringly. "It'll be okay. I promise."

"You're right." She said, standing on her tip toes and kissing me lightly on the lips.

She turned and grabbed Joe's carrier and made her way down the stairs. I turned off the tv and shut off the light. This was it. The moment of truth. I really hoped these next couple of days went smoothy, for Zoe's sake. Seeing her upset makes me upset. All I want is for her to be happy.

Thanks for reading.

xxx Love Caity!

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