A very long walk through.

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I untied my ponytail and stepped into the shower. Today Alfie and I were driving to Wiltshire to look at the house I had picked out earlier this week. Dad and Joe were coming as well.

Alfie opened the bathroom door and stuck his head in. "Our walkthrough is at 4." He said.

"What time is it now?"

"Half 12." He replied looking down at his watch.

"Okay, I'll be out in a couple of minutes."

He shut the bathroom door and I turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out onto the cold tile floor.

I opened the bathroom door, so that Alfie could get in the shower and I sat down at my vanity. I quickly blow dried my hair and put on some simple makeup. Laying a towel on the counter top for Alfie I walked out of the bathroom, closing the door on my way out.

Pulling on a pair of pants and putting on a bra I sat in front of the fireplace and quickly applied some body lotion. It was drizzling outside and the window was fogged up. I dressed in a pair of black skinnys and an oversized jumper.


Alfie sat down into the car and started it, turning on the heat and placing his hands in front of the vents. "It's freezing!" He exclaimed blowing into his hands.

"Tell me about it." I replied wrapping my peacoat tighter around my body.

Alfie backed out of the car park and started down the road. "Call Dad, tell him we're on our way."

I dialed my dads number and placed the phone to my ear. "Dad! Alfie and I just left the flat, we'll be there soon." I said.

"Okay see you guys soon!" He replied.


Alfie pulled up to a large black iron gate. He looked over to me. "Excited?" He asked flashing a big smile at me.

I smiled and shook my head up and down. He reached his arm out of the window and pressed a button. "Yes?"

"I have a walkthrough scheduled with a, Mr. Woods?" He said into a small speaker that was built into the brick.

"Come on in." The voice said, sounding a bit more welcoming now.

The large gate opened and Alfie rolled up his window. "Ready guys?" He started up the long gravel driveway and after a couple of seconds a very large, very castle like house was spotted. Sitting on top of the hill.

"Woah!" Joe said looking out the window.

"Jeez Zoe, you were supposed to pick a house not Hever Castle!"

"Dad it looks nothing like Hever! Plus Hever Castle is in Kent, which is across the country!" I turned around to face him. "It has slight Tudor Revival accents." I said raising my eyebrows up and down at him.

"Even better." He replied sarcastically.

"You know the Boleyn's own Hever and back like 900 years ago Anne Boleyn was married to Henry Tudor. The 8th." Joe added thinking he was so smart.

Alfie let out a cackle. "Joe it was 480 years ago, not 900."

"Joe never was good at History." My dad said.

"I don't think the Tudor Revival style has anything to do with Henry VIII anyway Joe." I said smiling at Alfie.

Joe sunk back into his seat. "Whatever."

Alfie parked and all four of us got out of the car. I walked over to Alfie and wrapped my tiny arms around his large left one. I leaned my cheek on his bicep. "481." I said pressing my lips to his coat.

"What?" He asked looking down.

My dad and Joe started snickering. "She was Queen Consort and Married to Henry 481 years ago." I said, adding emphasis to the '1'. "Not 480."

He looked at me and cocked his eyebrow. "Well you learn something new everyday."

A tall and lengthily man walked out of the large wooden doors. "Welcome, Welcome!" He said shaking each of our hands.

"You must be Alfie and Zoe." He said stopping in front of us.

"Yes sir." Alfie replied.

"Let's go inside, it's chilly out here." The man said stepping aside and holding his arm out.

"It's 7 bedroom, 6 bathroom." He said shutting the large door behind him. "Includes a study, library, wine cellar, pool, and pool house. Gardeners are provided for the gardens as well." He walked past us. "Hardwood floor throughout, except bathrooms have tile. And the walls are stone."

We walked into the front room and I was in awe. Large arched windows, a big fireplace. All the furniture was moved out so all you saw was the house itself. We went from the front room to the dining room and from the dining room into the kitchen.

"Two ovens, two ranges, microwave, fridge, dishwasher." The man said pointing to each item as he named them. "And then from here if you go to your right you have the library. And to your left and down the hallway is the staircase to the wine cellar."

We followed him into the library. The walls were shelves and there was a huge chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. And there was one very large window looking out on the gardens. We then looked around the 3 bedrooms that were downstairs as well as the 2 toilets. He took us outside to quickly show us the pool and pool house, but that showing quickly ended since none of us wanted to get pneumonia.

"Now we'll head upstairs. The house was originally built for a Lady in the early 1900s. However, she didn't like the cobblestone, so she had a different one built."

My dad laughed. "Sound like anybody." Joe and I exchanged a smirk and continued the showing.

We looked at the study, and the upstairs parlor, as well as three of the bedrooms and bathrooms. We reached the end of the corridor and there were two large doors. "And here's the master." The man said, opening the doors at the same time.

The room was huge. It was similar to the flat in that it had a fireplace and a bathroom. However, it had a large balcony that looked out over the lawn,and it had hardwood floors and more windows. My favourtie part though was the walls, the walls throughout the house were stone. I felt as though it added some sort of originality.

"Every bedroom upstairs has a laundry chute, the clothes will land into a bin downstairs in your laundry room. Which has two washers and two dryers. Also your room, the master, has a dumbwaiter, which leads to the kitchen."

We walked back downstairs and stood in the parlor. "So what do you think?" Alfie asked.

"I love it. But it's up to you."

"When is it available?" Alfie asked directing his attention to Mr. Woods.

"Whenever you are, Sir." He replied.

"Well let's do it then." Alfie stood up and walked into the kitchen with Mr. Woods."

"This house is amazing Zo!" Joe said running to a window and looking out.

"Dad, is it too much?" I asked walking over to him.

He placed his arm around my shoulder. "Zoe, if it works for you, it works for me. I don't think it's too much."

I leaned into the crook of his arm and watched the trees sway in the wind outside the window. I felt a kick in my stomach.

"Dad!" I said placing his hand on my stomach. He felt a kick and smiled at me. "I guess she likes it." I said smiling at him.


A Love Like This *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now