Ryan Ross x Reader - Coffee Shop

5K 122 192

Warnings: none
Word count
: 2 654

It was a cold winter afternoon when you were on your way to your favorite café. It was not one of the nice winter days where the sun shone and white snow glittered in the sun, no. It was one of the grey, rainy winter days that people usually preferred to spent at home. But you had had the idea to go to the café and spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled in an armchair, reading your favorite book while sipping on a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

You leant against the freezing wind and finally reached the front door of the small shop. The air inside was cozily warm and smelled of coffee, chocolate and pie, just the kind of smell a coffee shop should have. The waitress recognized you immediately, since you were a regular at the café.

"Hey (y/n), so nice to see you again. I've been missing you the whole week!" she exclaimed.

You smiled while taking of your hat and scarf that had kept you warm outside. "I've missed being here, but I was busy with college and stuff, you know..."

She smiled and nodded understandingly. "I hope you are not too stressed. The usual?"

"Yes please," you laughed and strode over to the pair of armchairs where you took off your coat and draped it over the back of one of the chairs. Slowly you settled down, relaxing at the feeling of the soft fabric underneath you. For a moment you closed your eyes, letting the humming of the coffee machines and the soft music in the background wrap you into a blanket of familiarity. Once you felt like you had completely arrived at the café, you pulled out the book you had brought and started reading. A few minutes later the waitress placed a hot cup of your favorite coffee in front of you. She smiled and let you continue reading.

You did not know how much time had passed since you had started reading, when the door to the shop opened and a gush of cold wind blew into the small space. A young man walked in, hood pulled over his head to protect him from the cold wind outside. You concentrated back on your book until you heard him order. His voice was so gentle it made you look up from your book. This time you could see his face. Messy, brown hair fell into his eyes; his face was soft with boyish features. He would have reminded you of a Hobbit, had he not been six feet tall.

Suddenly you noticed, you were staring, so you quickly lowered your eyes back on the pages in your lap. A few moments later you heard ruffling of clothes and when you looked back up, the stranger had sat down at one of the small tables. From then on your concentration on the book was ruined. You tried not to look at him, you really did, but the dark haired stranger had caught your eye. He had placed a small notebook in front of him and seemed incredibly concentrated, scribbling notes down every now and then.

Time passed far too quickly and before you knew it, it was eight o'clock and the shop was closing. You packed up your stuff and payed before leaving the shop quickly. You had the feeling that the man had noticed your interest and might want to talk to you. But you were shy and embarrassed about being so easily distracted, so you tried to get as much distance between him and you as fast as possible.


A few days later you returned to the small café. The weather was still terribly cold. You opened the door, being welcomed by the familiar smell of the small coffee shop and the happy cheer of the waitress. Much to your surprise you found the man with the notebook sitting at one of the tables again. Trying not to seem too distracted by him, you sat back down in the armchair in which you usually sat and started reading.

After that, you saw him every time you visited the café. You even found yourself considering visiting the shop more often just to see him. Sometimes your eyes met when you had been staring at him absent mindedly and every time your heart seemed to skip a few beats. Sometimes you were wondering if you started to fall in love with a stranger.

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