Brendon Urie x Reader - Casual Hero

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: alcohol, panic attack, assault
count: 1 820

You knew you should have turned around and left when you first saw him. His hair was messy, not the stylish messy but the 'I haven't showered in days' messy. His shirt had a tomato stain on it and looked dusty. To be honest you had no idea why you had agreed to this date. He had paid for your coffee one morning, complementing you on your dress and then he had asked if you would like to meet for dinner. He had smiled nicely and you felt a bit pressured into saying yes, since he had already payed for your coffee. And then again, he might be good company. But now you knew he was not.

You sat outside a shabby taco shop at the corner of a huge street and watched slightly disgusted as food fell from your date's mouth. Closing his mouth while eating was a foreign concept for the man. In between bites he drew on his cigarette, blowing the smoke right into your face, mixed with the smell of alcohol. You hated cigarette smoke. And alcohol.

You sighed. Why had you even gone through the effort of picking a nice dress and putting on some delicate makeup? With raised eye brows you watched as he pulled out his phone and started typing out a message. There was no way you were ever gonna see this man again. Should you meet him in the street, you would pretend not to know him. Suddenly he started talking. For a moment you hoped he would try to make up for the awful behavior so far, but he just rambled about his sex life with his last girlfriend. Or was she still his girlfriend?

For a moment you contemplated whether you had given him enough chances, coming to the conclusion that even if you had not, you wanted to leave anyway.

Without a word you stood up from the rickety chair, glad that you had payed already. You grabbed your cardigan from the chair back and left without saying good bye. The man hardly noticed.

As you walked down the streets you wondered what you were feeling. Mostly you were upset. Upset that someone had taken your time away, upset that someone behaved so rudely. Maybe you were also a bit disappointed. But mostly you were upset.

The street lights switched on and you realized that it got cold. Probably you should have taken more than a thin cardigan to keep you warm. Your feet started to hurt in the fancy shoes and you decided to take a short cut. The way you chose led through a small, well-lit park and reduced the distance you had to walk dramatically.

You were in the middle of the park, when suddenly a man's voice called for you.

"Hello, sugar!"

The voice sounded slurred as if the speaker was drunk. You did not bother to turn around. Most of these drunken people left you alone if you continued walking without taking notice of them, but not this one. You heard steps approaching you from behind and you sped up slightly.

"Wait for me, sugar, where are you going?"

A rough, dry hand wrapped around your wrist, turning you around. You almost stumbled into a tall man with a dark beard, his eyes glimmered dangerously and he smelled of booze and public toilets.

"We're here to have fun!" He grabbed your cardigan and ripped it down your shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" You were surprised how confident your voice sounded while your survival modus kicked in. You pushed yourself away from the guy, but he pulled you back by the remains of your cardigan. One of his hands snuck around your waist and pulled you into his smelling body, the other hand ghosted along your jawline.

"So pretty," he whispered, leaning down to you.

That was it. As loud as you could you screamed into his ear while pushing away from him and punching and kicking as hard as possible. You had almost wiggled out of his grip, screaming loudly all the while, (someone had to hear you eventually), when his hand grabbed your upper arm.

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