Patrick Stump x Reader - When Best Friends Make a Mess

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Patrick nervously ran his fingers through his hair and put his trucker hat back on. He should not be that nervous to meet his best friend, but he was. He was only meeting her for studying in the library, nothing more. There was no chance he could scare her off while studying. She had been his best friends since junior year of high school and she had put up with him. No reason to start panicking over a simple afternoon in the library. She was his best friend, nothing more. If things only were so easy, then Patrick could push his feelings for her aside. But things were complicated and so Patrick suffered through heartbreak every time he saw her because he knew she would never be his, he kept quiet even when jealousy was eating him alive because she smiled at some other guy for a little too long, he constantly wondered what he could do, to catch her attention while she became more and more beautiful with each day, and in the mornings he woke up, sad because the wonderful moments of his feelings being returned were just dreams. He had never been as much in love with someone as he was in love with (y/n). When Patrick had told his bandmates Pete, Joe and Andy about the mess he was in, they had tried to convince Patrick to ask (y/n) out. But did they not understand that she was his best friend? Never in a thousand years would she go out on a date with him, at best she would feel betrayed and tell him their long lasting friendship was over. No way he was gonna risk that.

"Deep in thoughts?"

The soft voice of the girl Patrick loved so much brought him back to reality. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Patrick quickly hugged back, his hand resting on her waist while he felt her burry her nose in his shirt for a moment. She smelled wonderful, as always, but today a hint of honeysuckle was in her hair as well. Damn, why was she this perfect?

"Are you ready to face the abys of Nietzsche's work," Patrick wondered, pulling back from the hug he wanted to last forever.

"It's starring right back at me," she answered with a wink.

"Whoa, calm down, we haven't even started yet!" Patrick giggled, understanding the reference to one of the philosopher's most famous quotes.

Studying was a lot easier for Patrick, when he was not constantly distracted by (y/n). The way she was running her fingers through her hair, the little sounds she made when she was frustrated by the exercise, the soft reflections of the sun on her hair and her eyes, everything was absolutely perfect about her. He tried to remember the last time he had not been in love with her. That had probably been in the beginning of senior year. At the end of that school year Patrick had panicked terribly because he had thought that (y/n) would move away for college, but she did not. This way they both attended the local college together where they had met Patrick's three band mates.

"Everything alright?"

Again her lovely voice tore him out of his thoughts.

"Everything alright," he hastily confirmed and pretended to check his phone. There was a message. "(Y/n)? Pete asks if we want to come over for dinner."

A smile spread across (y/n)'s face at the mention of Pete's name and immediately a sting of jealousy raced through Patrick's body. Why did she smile when he talked of Pete? Why did she not smile when Pete talked of him?

"Sounds amazing," the young woman nodded. "We should send him a study selfie!"

"You think so?"

"Definitely! Let's do a funny one!"

Patrick shrugged. He was not the biggest fan of selfies and he knew that (y/n) was not that obsessed with pictures of her either so he wondered what all this was about.

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