Ray Toro x Reader - Switch

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Carefully you read the invitation again. It said costume party right here, but you still were not sure what that was supposed to mean. Did it mean full on costume, like walk up in a pirate costume, or did it mean a little make up or a mask and you were good? Would be a few vampire teeth enough or would you have to turn up with a cloak and styled back hair and long dark fingernails and old fashioned clothes and all these things? Not that you were going to go as a vampire, but just generally. For a moment you wondered how much hair gel it would take to make your hair stay flat on your head. A lot probably. You remembered the amount of hair gel it had taken Ray for the 'Ghost of You' music video to make keep his hair in an elegant 40s hairstyle. It had looked ridiculous.

You tangled your fingers in your locks. Due to the tiny curls' color, you had often been mistaken for Ray's sister. In the beginning it had been rather awkward for both of you, since you were only friends and your similar hair was pure coincidence. But by now, years later, you took it with humor and sometimes just played along with peoples assumptions.

You picked up your phone noticing that there was a message from Gerard in the group chat. You opened the chat since that was what you had planned doing anyway, intending to ask the others what they were going to wear to that costume party. You seemed not to be the first with that idea, since the message Gerard had sent was a picture of him wearing a full on vampire costume; white shirt, black vest, dark red cravat and cloak included. His hair was combed back, but a few strands were dangling into his forehead, allowing you the assumption that he had only used water. Well, with his hair water worked for a few minutes.

"Opinions?" was the caption under the picture.

You were typing 'so full on costume?' and watched as the others reacted to the picture.

"TEETH! and make-up" was Frank's immediate response.

"you need teeth," agreed Mikey.

"Got teeth, no worries" Gerard answered.

You sent your message and watched the little dots that indicated that someone was typing.

"Yup" came the answer from Ray.

"Yeeeeessss!" was Gerard's response.

"okay" you typed back and put the mobile aside.

It that was the case, you knew exactly how you wanted to dress for that party.


A few days later, you finally stood on the doorstep of the house where the party was taking place. Apart from Gerard no one had revealed their costumes yet. Judging by the people you saw through the window, it had been the right call to dress up properly and not only with a mask or a little make up. From where out here you spotted a clown, a giraffe and a fairy. Especially the fairy caused you to take a second look, considering it was a tall, hairy, bearded man in a pink tutu wearing fairy wings and a flower crown. A moment later the door swung open and you were let inside. It did not take you long to find Gerard, already knowing he would be wearing the vampire costume. Next to him stood someone you thought looked familiar, but it took a few seconds before you recognized Frank. His entire face was painted with the pattern of a skull. With that he wore a suit and his skeleton gloves.

"Woah, look at you," you laughed, hugging him after you had finally recognized him. His make-up was a lot more skillful than the one he had worn during the Black Parade Tour.

"I'm a corpse," he grinned, his teeth shining violet in the black light, "And what are you?"

"Take a guess," you grinned, quickly pushing an eye-patch over your right eye that you had not worn earlier to be able to see better.

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