Pete Wentz x Reader - Hotel in New York City (Part Two)

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: supernatural stuff
count: 2 639

It had been two years. And not a single day passed without you thinking about Pete or the mysterious hotel in New York City. How could it? Since the moment you had left the hotel, you discovered more and more things that proved that you had not dreamt. You saw silver haired, tall, pale ladies who hovered a few inches over the floor, you saw five inches long, winged creatures fly around in parks after nightfall, you saw a unicorn stroll through a forest while you drove past it in your car and once you even believed you saw a mermaid.

To know you lived in a world where magical creatures roamed the streets was breathtaking. It felt like you had jumped into a fairytale. But it was also scary. Not only the fairies and unicorns were real, but also the werewolves and vampires and other monsters that loved a human as a snack. After all, Pete had explained that not every vampire was as well-mannered as him.

The more time passed the more you found yourself thinking of him. Not only because of the things that he had told you that night. You missed him. It was ridiculous. You had only met him once, and spent nine hours with him, at most, but you missed his beautiful smile, his warm, brown eyes and his angelic face. You even started dreaming about him. That was when you decided that it was time to fulfill your promise and visit him.

You used your first holiday in your new job, packed a suitcase and flew to New York. It took you almost an entire day until you spotted the neon sign which announced "The Night Palace". You quickly checked your appearance. Your clothes were comfortable enough to travel but casually chick. You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed deeply, pushed the door open and entered the hotel.

Once again you stood in the old fashioned entrance hall. Nothing had changed, it even smelled the same. You wandered over to the receptionist's desk, expecting to find Marcus, but he was not there. You looked around for Pete, but you could not spot him either. You shrugged. You were not here as a guest of the hotel but as a guest of Pete. So you might as well try and find his room.

You walked up into the third floor and started searching. The only thing you remembered about his room was that it had no number on the door. It almost took you half an hour but finally you found the room.

You knocked a few times, always waiting several minutes for a reply but it never came. So you tried the door handle. To your surprise the door was unlocked. You pushed it open and entered the room. Nothing had changed here either. Except for maybe a few new photographs on the wall, but that was it.

You felt uneasy strolling through someone else's room, so you sat down on the bed. Seconds later you had fallen asleep.


You were woken up by a loud gasp. Confused you sat up, rubbing your sleepy eyes. When you opened them, you were met with the sight of Pete standing in front of you. His beautiful brown eyes were widened and his mouth stood open. A smile slowly creeped on his face.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed and stormed forward, throwing his arms around you. "You came back!"

You hugged him close, inhaling the scent of him, which you had almost forgotten over the two years. But only almost.

"As promised," you smiled.

Pete pulled back, placing both of his hands at the sides of your face and crashed his lips into yours. You heart leapt to your throat. Apparently he had missed you as much as you had missed him. Quickly you kissed back, wrapping your hands in his soft hair. When you pulled back out of breath, you smiled at him widely.

"Have you already figured out what you are?" Pete curiously studied your face as if it would be written on your forehead.

Right, only magical creatures were able to find this hotel, so you were one of them. You had been wondering about this for the past two years and had spotted nothing extraordinary about yourself, so you had come to the conclusion that you were simply a human.

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