Bands x Platonic!Reader - Invitations

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You loved all your friends, there was no doubt about that. But sometimes, just sometimes, you wanted to punch each single one of them in the face. Not hard, no, just a little, to make them realize that they were behaving utterly stupid. Right now was one of these moments.

It had all started out with Ray's idea to do some barbeque together with a few friends. You offered your garden as the location, since you had a nice barbeque, a pool and a big lawn with enough space for a few tables. Invited were a total of twelve people. The whole of My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. There had been long discussions about who brought what, and in the end you only had to organize bread, the rest was covered by the guests.

It was a warm day in June, the members of the band had collected in your garden and everyone was happily chatting along while Ray and Frank were doing the grilling. One of the tables was working as a buffet, filled with bowls of different salads, beers, sodas, barbeque sauces, chips, slices of vegetables and fruit and plates. You let your eyes wander over the different men in your back garden, secretly wondering who you had managed to befriend all those amazing people.

"Yo, (y/n)!"

You searched for the one who had called you and you found Pete happily waving at you. You grinned and quickly walked over, joining him, Patrick, Ryan and Gerard. Patrick moved a little to the side so you could stand between him and Pete, who casually draped an arm over your shoulder. You giggled, used to the gesture, and leant against him, using him as support. It was nothing new to anyone that Pete loved to flirt with you. Actually Gerard and Ryan were also constantly flirting with you. Of course it was never serious, it was a fun way of conversation and it often ended in breathless laughter.

For a while you listened to the conversation, something about the latest fashion, and therefore completely boring for you. You looked around and checked if everyone was alright. Frank and Ray were still standing by the barbeque. Mikey, Jon and Spencer were standing close to the fence, using the shadow of one of the neighbor's trees as protection from the hot summer sun. Brendon, Andy and Joe were next to the buffet, each with a few vegetable slices in their hands.


Your attention was drawn back to the group you were standing in, and you blinked in confusion.

"I asked what you were up to this summer," Patrick asked. Probably he had noticed you not participating in the conversation and wanted to include you.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure (y/n) has lots to do this summer," Gerard answered for you, winking.

"What do you mean," you wondered.

"Well, there is this one big band that goes on tour again...?" He looked expectantly at you.

"Oh, you're going on tour with My Chem," Patrick asked excitedly.

"Ahm..." you hesitated to answer.

"Yup," Gerard grinned.

"Wait, wait, wait," Pete intervened, "When was that decided?"

"It's obvious, isn't it," Gerard told him.

"Have you even asked (y/n)," Ryan asked.

"Yeah, maybe they want to go on tour with us," Pete agreed.

"Who's going on tour with us," Andy peaked up.

"(Y/n), hopefully," Pete told him.

"Aw, great," Andy cheered and Joe grinned happily.

"But it's not decided yet, is it," Brendon asked, stepping into the circle as well.

"You could come to tour with us too," Ryan offered.

"(Y/n) is coming to tour with us?" Jon had overheard the conversation so Spencer and Mikey also listened up. Even Frank and Ray at the barbeque turned to listen.

"Let's be honest, who do you think they would enjoy touring with more? A teeny band or some rad punk rockers," Frank asked.

"Teeny band?" Brendon, Spencer and Ryan gasped at the same time.

And with that everyone started discussing. You lost track of who was talking to whom, and who was saying what. Some of the band members were almost shouting at each other, some were trying to convince you to come to tour with their band. You just stood there with raised eyebrows, doing your best to follow the different arguments, amused by the passion they were talking with.

Slowly you removed yourself from the group of people around you and stepped on the terrace to get a better view of the situation. The bands had grouped together, and were all more or less shouting at each other about who you should go on tour with, who you would have the most fun with, who deserved it the most to have you on tour with them etc. You laughed quietly and felt as a warm arm snuck around your waist and soft lips were pressed against the side of your neck.

"Will we need the garden hose?" The barely noticeable breeze of a minty fresh breath fanned your ear and you turned around, being met with the beautiful, sparkling green eyes of your girlfriend Hayley.

"Nah, I think we're good," you told her.

Quickly you brushed a strand of her flaming red hair out of her face and pecked her lips sweetly before you turned back to the battlefield your garden had turned into.

"Guys, hey, guys. Guys!" You tried to gain the attention of the men who were still fiercely discussing on the lawn. "Listen up!"

Finally they noticed you and grew quiet to listen to what you had to say.

"I really appreciate all of your invitations and I would love to go on tour with all of you," you told the curiously listening musicians. Amused you noticed how their eyes flickered to Hayley who still had her arm around you. "But I have already plans for this summer, since I have been invited to join another band on tour."

"Cancel," Frank suggested.

"Yeah, what do they have that we don't," Brendon agreed.

"For starters, her," you nodded to the woman at your side. "I think I have told all of you about Hayley, my girlfriend."

Simultaneously everyone sighed, realizing that they had nothing to put up against that argument.

"Well, then I hope you have a lot of fun together on tour," Jon grinned happily.

"We all do," Gerard quickly added, waving around at all the others, slightly embarrassed about his behavior just seconds ago. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Thank you," you smiled.

"We hope you have a good tour too," Hayley said.

"Now that this is all cleared up, shall we go back to the barbeque," Ray suggested, "The first vegetable skewers are almost ready."

"Perfect," Andy cheered and joined Frank at the barbeque.

Slowly everyone gravitated towards the buffet table to get a plate.

"I think, I'll leave you alone now, just wanted to say hello," Hayley explained, pressing her soft lips against your shoulder again.

"No, please, stay," you pleaded. "I would love for you to get to know them all."

"If it's alright with you, I'd love to," she nodded.

"C'mon," you encouraged and took Hayley by the hand to lead her over to your friends.

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