Advent Calendar - Dec 09

719 38 35

*Picture Source:*
: 967
: asshole is hitting on reader
Prompt from @fanficy-prompts on Tumblr

"Why is this so boooring," Tyler complained, leaning against the table next to you.

You shrugged, not feeling confident enough to tell him that you actually enjoyed the office Christmas party. He surely would have asked what you thought was so good about it, and you definitely did not want to tell him that it was because he stuck to your side the whole evening, making your heart beat faster than usually, and reddening your cheeks, even without the influence of any alcohol.

Tyler munched on another cookie, the best thing about this party, as he had said earlier, while you looked around the room. Old, cheap tinsel hung at the ceiling and terrible, blinking lights were hung along the walls of the big office room. Initially you had been anything but excited for this party, but since Tyler, who had his desk opposite yours, had insisted you should go here together, you had allowed him to drag you here. From the moment you had stepped through the door to the office, and Tyler had spotted you from across the room, he had not left your side. You had been prepared for him to wander off after a few minutes, but he did not. Now it was two hours into the party, most of your colleagues were tipsy already and your boss was dancing with his secretary to one of the cheesy Christmas songs that blared from the radio.

You were trying to push the image of Tyler dancing with you out of your mind, but the thought was too sweet to just let go of it like that. You had just realized that technically you could ask him to dance, when suddenly a man stepped in front of you. It took you a moment to recognize the face, and your heart sunk.

"Haven't seen you in a long time," he grinned, showing too much teeth.

You felt Tyler stiffening at your side, the same way you had stiffened too.

"Yeah," you answered and turned away from the man, ignoring him, and picking up a cookie instead.

"You still owe me that date, remember," the man snared, pushing so he was again facing you, now standing between Tyler and you.

For a moment you were not sure what was worse, having this guy standing so close to you or Tyler not being in your sight anymore. Quickly you realized it was the first.

"No, I don't," you told the guy, looking at him challengingly.

It was not the first time he tried this with you, and any rejection met deaf ears. Not matter how often you had told him you were not interested, no matter how often you told him you had a boyfriend (which was not true), no matter how often you told him to leave you alone nothing seemed to affect his continuous advances towards you.

"Aw, playing hard to get, I see," he grinned, making you want to punch his disgusting smile off his face.

"No, just not interested," you answered, making sure you were standing up straight, locking eyes with him in the most dominant way possible.

"Come on, it's just a date," he tried to convince you, but you shook your head.

"I've got a boyfriend," you stated, brushing off the hand he had placed on your shoulder.

"I know you don't."

"Hands off."

A deep growl sounded from behind the man's back, making him turn around. Tyler stood there, an expression of pure anger on his face that sent shivers down your spine, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"And who are you," the man asked indifferently.

"The boyfriend," Tyler answered immediately.

He reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, before pulling you away from the guy, and out of the huge office into a corridor.

"Are you okay," he asked, his aggressive demeanor immediately gone, replaced with honest worry.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you," you assured him, running a hand over your face disbelievingly.

"Is he the reason you always ask me to bring the letters to the post department," Tyler inquired, "he works down there, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, sorry. I should have told you," you sighed, knowing that Tyler had been slightly unnerved by always having to do this errand.

"It's fine, now I know. Consider all future letters being taken care off."

You smiled gently at him and nodded thankfully.

"I- I don't have a boyfriend, by the way," you suddenly blurted out; feeling like you should make this clear.

Tyler smirked.

"Well, to be honest I thought we could change that, if you like."

You furrowed your forehead at him in confusion.

"What do you mean," you asked, trying to understand what he was saying. Was he trying to set you up with someone?

"I mean," he answered, taking a step closer to you, so close that your sweaters were almost brushing against each other, "that I could really be your boyfriend, not just as an emergency thing."

You stared at him, trying to read his expression, but all his face displayed was sincere hope for you to say yes. Careful, a little hesitant, with your heart beating in your throat, you leant in, leaving the last inch for Tyler to close, which he quickly did, crashing his lips into yours. He tasted of cinnamon and vanilla, just like the cookies he had eaten, and his skin was soft and so smooth against yours. A smile tucked at your lips as you pulled away from him, watching him staring at you dreamily.

"Is the party still so boooring," you asked, imitating his complaint from earlier.

Tyler laughed quietly and shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. Actually I am pretty certain it just turned into the best Christmas party ever."

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