Advent Calendar - Dec 11

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Words: 827

Cold wind blew mercilessly over your face and you could not help the squeak that got pressed out of your lungs as the sled raced over a small bump on the floor.

"Nonononono," you giggled, trying to halt the fast vehicle by boring the heels of your boots into the snow, but your begging was unheard and you drove into the ditch.

Luckily the ditch had been barely filled with water when the temperatures sunk below zero, so there was no danger of breaking in, but the sudden stop threw you off the sled into the snow on the other side of the ditch.

You felt cold air crawl up your leg and quickly you pulled the ski pant that had ridden up your calf, back down over the boot, but snow had already made its way into the shoe, melting and wetting your socks.

"Why didn't you help," you complained over your still breathless giggling, turning around to your boyfriend Josh, who had managed to stay on the sled when it had ridden into the ditch.

"It was fun, wasn't it," he grinned, the skin around his eyes crinkling.

You shook your head with a wide smile and jumped over the gap in the ground to help him pull the sled back out.

You felt your wooly hat slowly slide down your head, so you pulled it off completely and put it back on, which, considering you were wearing the warmest pair of gloves you owned, turned out to be a little difficult. Your hair was a huge mess; strands of it were stuck and knotted together, molten snow dripping down the side of your face, and sweat was also added to the whole image. Josh watched you lovingly as you struggled to put your hat back on before he decided to help you. He stepped in front of you and carefully pulled the fabric back over your head, nudging it perfectly into the right place. You smiled up at him, who did not look much better than you. His nose was red, snowflakes had tangled in his hair, and his own hat was covered with ice crystals. You leant forward, connecting your cold lips to his hot ones in a gentle kiss which he answered happily.

"I need some tea before we go again," you informed him and Josh nodded in agreement.

"I want cookies."

He reached his left hand out for you to take while pulling the sled behind in the other. Together you walked over to where you had left your bag, which was filled with hot fruit tea in a thermos bottle, and a box with cookies you had baked yesterday.

Walking through the deep snow was a lot of work, leaving both of you huffing and panting when you finally reached your bags. Josh had insisted on coming out here. Away from the city in the undisturbed nature, you had the snowy hills and beautifully iced trees all to yourselves, and both of you enjoyed being able to ride the sled down the hill as many times as you wanted without being disturbed by anyone.

You pulled the tin box from the rucksack, and handed it over to Josh, then you unscrewed the thermos bottle, and filled the cap with the steaming, red liquid. Carefully you blew cold air onto the tea, before you took a sip. It was still so hot that it almost burned your lips. You closed your eyes, and payed attention to the strange feeling of the warm beverage running down your throat into your belly. Only when Josh started munching on the sugar crusted Christmas cookies, you snapped your eyes back open.

"Leave some for me," you whined, reaching for the box, but Josh pulled it away, instead leaning towards you, making kissy lips.

You cocked your head disbelieving but could not resist the sly look in his beautifully dark eyes, so you leant in as well, kissing him hard on the mouth. Josh seemed to be happy with this development, judging by how he was pressing against you. You took the chance to steal a hand full of cookies out of the box and pushed away.

"Hey," Josh complained, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you back into him, spilling the red tea into the snow.

You giggled and snuggled against him, allowing him to kiss you again.

"A few more rides before it gets dark," you suggested as you finally pulled away again, critically eying the sun that moved closer to the horizon.

"Who's on the crest first wins," Josh grinned, quickly taking the string of the sled and started to run up the hill again.

"Not fair," you shouted with a smile and followed him, mentally thanking him for taking the sled.

The sun shed warm orange light over the cold white fields of snow and the ice crystals glittered like a million fallen stars; you wished this day would never end.

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