Advent Calendar - Dec 18

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Words: 984

"Slow down, slow down," you chuckled as your son Aaron raced down the corridor towards his classroom.

It was late afternoon and the sun was already setting, casting its orange glow over the playground of the school, and into the classroom you entered. It was Aaron's first year at school, and today it was the class' Christmas party. All the children were skipping around excitedly, preparing for the little play they had planned.

You laughed quietly as Aaron pulled you over to a group of tables, far too small for an adult, and demanded you should sit there, because his friend Milly would also be sitting at these tables.

Since you barely knew anyone, you agreed. Just in time you managed to get your son to take off his jacket, scarf and hat, before he stormed off, searching for his friends. Shaking your head with a soft smile, you tucked away his clothes in your backpack before taking off your jacket as well. Sometimes it was hard, being a single parent, especially at moments like these, when you saw other couples embrace their children proudly for their first school Christmas party. There were moments when you really wished for help, and it was hardly ever easy, but you loved Aaron more than you would have ever believed you could love someone, and when you were full of doubt and worry, all you had to do was think of his smile and the way he always showed you the pictures he had drawn for you, and you felt better immediately.

"Is this seat taken?"

The voice of a man tore you out of your thoughts, and looking up you were met with a familiar face.

"Joe, nice to see you," you smiled, offering him your hand which he shook politely, "please, sit down, all the seats are free."

You had met Joe a few months ago for the first time at a parent-teacher-conference. He was Milly's father, and also raising his girl on his own. The two of you had gotten along from the first moment on, and you had been pleasantly surprised to find out that he was the father of your son's best friend when you had dropped Aaron off at Milly's house for the first time. You liked Joe, he was responsible, caring, loving and did not take everything too seriously.

"How are you," he asked, sitting down on the small chair next to you, immediately bumping his knee on the equally small table, letting out a whine.

"Better than you, it seems," you laughed quietly, "are you okay?"

From there on you started chatting quietly. Every now and then, one or both of your kids dropped by, interrupting the conversation by excitedly telling you something that had just happened and seemed incredibly funny to them.

The play the students had prepared was cute, and the children were adorably nervous, most of them stuttering their lines while constantly looking over to their parents to check in with them. It almost impossible to understand the mumbled lines that were delivered, but you were incredibly proud of Aaron none the less, even though he forgot his text halfway through, and Milly had to help him.

By the end of the party, both Joe and you had shared a couple of cups of apple juice with cinnamon. and tried all the different cookies the kids had baked together with their teacher last week. The kids were tired by now, since it was past their bed time, and Milly had even fallen asleep in her father's lap, so he carried her through the school as you were on your way to the parking lot. Aaron, too, was very tired. He had his arms wrapped around your middle, and dragged himself along, barely listening to you and Joe.

"I had a great time," Joe smiled as you reached your car.

"Me too," you agreed, and helped Aaron buckle in safely before closing the door, and turning around to the man who adjusted the sleeping Milly on his arm.

"Maybe we could... you know... meet sometime? Over a coffee, if you like," Joe suggested, almost nervously watching your reaction.

"I'd love that," you confessed, smiling.

It had been a while since someone had asked you out, and be it only for a coffee. And you liked Joe, you really did.

For a while you looked at each other, your breaths forming white clouds in the cold air. You were enchanted by the warm glow of his blue eyes, caused by the yellow light of the street lantern.

"I think I should-," you pointed over your shoulder to the car where Aaron had most likely fallen asleep in already.

"Yes, yes, of course," Joe answered quickly, stretching out his free arm to invite you in for a good bye hug.

You stepped forward, allowing him to place his arm around you while your ran your own hand down his back, over the smooth surface of his black coat. When you pulled away again, Joe quickly leant forward, and gently kissed your cheek, causing a blush to spread over your face. You turned your head to look at him, but he looked away, as if he was embarrassed, only to quickly look up, checking if he had overstepped his boundaries. When he was met with your shy, but happy smile, his own lips tucked into a smile as well.

"Get home safe," he told you, again adjusting his daughter on his arm.

"You too," you answered, opening the car door and getting in.

Aaron had indeed fallen asleep in his seat, and only stirred shortly as you turned on the motor.

As you drove off the parking lot, you saw Joe in the rear view mirror as he looked after your car. Yeah, you thought to yourself, you would definitely like to meet Joe for a coffee sometime. Soon, preferably.

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