Gerard Way x Reader - Coming Home

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When Gerard had suggested that you should go out for drinks, you had been skeptical. Sure, you loved a good drink every now and then, but Gerard had been clean for only a little more than two years, and even though you trusted him, you knew that it had to be hard to keep his fingers away from alcohol. And going out to a place where he was constantly surrounded by the stuff did not seem the best idea. But when he appeared in the door to the living room, wearing a tight black shirt matching his black jeans and a leather jacket, you had given in. He had helped you into your own jacket and offered his arm.

Now, a few hours later you were seated in a corner of a small bar. It was a fancy bar to say the least. Tasteful lights were shining along the walls in different colors, the furniture was simple with softly curved, clean edges. The bottles with the many differently colored liquids were lined up on shelves behind the counter. The bar tender and the waiters wore white dress shirts, black vests with black trousers and a dark red apron matching the dark red tie. In the middle of the room a few couples were dancing along to the quiet music on the dance floor.

Gerard sat opposite you, playing around with the ice cubes in his empty cocktail glass. Both of you had chosen nonalcoholic cocktails, his with banana, coconut milk and a few different kinds of syrups, and yours with strawberries and lime. The whole evening Gerard had made light conversation, flirting with you nonstop, making you giggle and blush the whole time. It felt like the first date you had ever been at, except for that had been in a cheap, smoky bar somewhere in Arkansas. He loved to make you blush, always marveling at the red tint that would spread over your nose and cheeks.

You could feel his eyes on you as you took the final sip of your cocktail. When you looked up at him, he smiled dreamily at you and stood up.

"Fancy a dance," he asked, extending his hand for you to take.

You shook your head, a smile tugging at your lips and placed your hand in his, standing up as well.

Gerard led you to the dance floor, pulling you close and wrapping his arm around your waist, falling into an even swaying from side to side. You nuzzled your head against the crook of his neck, smiling at noticing how he had put on the aftershave you had given him for his birthday. You could feel him place his cheek against your hair and rub tiny circles into your back. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and relaxed into his sweet touch, allowing him to guide you over the dancefloor.

It was way past midnight when the two of you stumbled through the front door of your shared house, drunk on endorphins, and fell on the couch. Since dancing together in the bar it seemed like you could not keep your hands off each other. Gerard kept brushing stray strands of your soft hair out of your face and constantly tried to slip his hand under your shirt, running his calloused fingers over the delicate skin on your waist. You always slapped his hands away, but continued to burry your hands in his back pockets and resting your head against his shoulder. Usually you were not the greatest friend of pda, and you were totally aware that you behaved like two teenagers in love, but tonight you did not care. Just these few hours in the bar, talking to Gerard, not caring about a thing in the world had made you fall so much harder in love with him, if this was even possible. It was a welcome change to the growing routine that your lives had become, not that you were complaining, but it was nice to feel so carefree and unbound, being able to concentrate on each other completely.

Your back hit the sofa cussion, and Gerard landed almost on top of you, immediately starting to pepper tiny kisses all over your face until he reached your lips, while shrugging off his leather jacket. Carelessly he dropped it on the floor and you tried to kiss him back, taking off your shoes at the same time without using your hands. After a few moments of fruitless struggle you pushed Gerard off gently and removed your shoes, getting rid of the jacket you were still wearing in the process. You threw the jacket somewhere behind the sofa, not paying attention where it landed because you were already paying attention to Gerard again who had taken his shoes off as well. Now he looked at you, the same dreamy expression lighting up his face as earlier. His eyes followed every single of your motions and when you lent closer to him, his eyes fluttered shut, expecting to be kissed again, but when he did not feel your lips against his, he frowned and opened his eyes slowly.

"Tease," he whispered and pushed you back into the cushions, crawling on top of you, pinning you down.

You smiled slyly at him, watching him tense up for a moment before he crashed his lips into yours, this time demanding and forceful. You let him kiss you deeply, sensibly responding to his every movement. Slowly you ran your hands up his sides over his shoulders and wrapped them into his short, white bleached hair. He groaned slightly and kissed you even harder.

When both of you had run out of breath, Gerard cuddled onto the couch next to you. You were facing each other, eyes scanning faces, lips curling into loving smiles between short kisses and eyes crinkling joyfully.

You took a deep breath, noticing how the smell of the aftershave slowly faded and left Gerard's scent almost uncompromised for you to take in. You closed your eyes, feeling a comfortable sleepiness creep into your arms and legs, making you dizzy.

"How about we go to bed," you heard Gerard whisper into your ear, his hot breath gently fanning over your skin.

You hummed in approval and sat up, Gerard doing the same. On your way to the stairs you almost fell over the shoes that you had mindlessly abandoned earlier. Once you had reached the top of the stairs Gerard swept you up in his arms, resulting in a surprised squeal of yours and a happy giggle from him. He threw you onto the matrass of your bed and was about to jump next to you when you stopped him.

"Pajamas," you reminded and he rolled his eyes.

After you had changed into some comfortable sleep wear, and had brushed your teeth, you returned back to the bedroom. Much too your surprise Gerard was nowhere in sight. You called him a few times and were about to leave the room to see if he had gotten downstairs again to fetch something, when he suddenly jumped out from behind the door with a loud 'booh!'. You screamed, feeling your heart jump into your throat while he was laughing hard.

"You idiot," you scolded him, "you scared the living daylight out of me!"

"Obiously," he replied, still grinning brightly. "It's night."

Without a warning he turned off the lights by the door and lifted you up, carrying you over to the bed once more and throwing you onto the matrass again, this time hopping next to you. Together you curled into the blankets, and as soon as you had settled, Gerard wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. You were glad for that, his body heat chasing away the cold of the still chilly bed. With a soft sigh you curled into him, tracing small patterns on the shirt he was wearing, until you got too tired. You closed your eyes and whispered a 'good night' that was returned by Gerard before you gave into your tiredness. Gerard waited until your breathing had settled at a calm pace, one of his hands gently stroking your head. Sometimes it seemed like a miracle to him that someone as beautiful and funny and clever and... plainly perfect, wanted to be with him, but tonight had been nothing but proof to him, that you belonged together. He placed a careful kiss on your forehead, and closed his eyes, smiling about that thought.

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