Patrick Stump x Reader - I Got The Ring

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How hard could proposing be, especially if it was to the person you had loved for good four years now? Millions of people had managed to do it, so it probably was doable. Then why, why in God's name, did it seem so impossible to you? It was not like you were uncertain about the feelings you had for Patrick, and you knew that he loved you too. You had promised to stay with each other forever, until the end of the world. That was basically the wedding vow, was it not? So why would it be so far from anything imaginable if you asked him to marry you, make it official?

Yes, maybe it was a bit unconventional for the woman to propose, but this is the 21st century. You were trying to be emancipated (only society was not always playing along), and Patrick was supporting you all the way, just one more reason to love him as much as you did. He would not mind if you were the one who proposed, at most he'd be happy that he would not have to do it. He was a shy guy after all, even with you.

You peeked from behind the curtain onto the stage, watching the band perform 'Save Rock and Roll'. You loved the song a lot, the message, the music, the way Patrick sung with so much emotion. Sure, living as the girlfriend of a famous rock star was not always easy, be it because of the paparazzi or the fans or the many months he spent on tour. But these evening, these nights when Patrick was pouring his soul into the songs, when starry eyed kids took comfort in hearing Patrick telling them that they were what they loved, not who loved them, their lips moving along to his words, when thousands of hands clapped in perfect rhythm to the drums, when the moon lit up the field brighter than the floodlights, those where the nights that made worth all the trouble.

You continued watching Patrick play and sing. Yes, Fall Out Boy were four people, but only one of them was your boyfriend. You had not known their music until one day almost five years back when you had helped record a few songs with the band at the radio station you were working at. Pete had been the one talking to you the most, but it had been Patrick who had caught your eyes immediately. There had been banter and jokes before, during and after recording. You had enjoyed their music, it was different from what you usually listened to, but their songs were powerful. The band had been gone for a few minutes and you had been packing together the last cables for the day, when suddenly Patrick had come bursting back into the studio, cheeks red and panting from running, handing you a piece of paper with a scribbled number on it. You had wanted to thank him, maybe even ask him if he had time for a coffee, but he had been gone already. It is needless to say that you called him the next day, after you had gotten over the initial surprise.

The chords of their last song, 'Saturday', echoed over the field where the stage for the festival was set up. You watched as Pete put down his bass and jumped over the stage, screaming into the microphone. He hopped over next to Patrick to share this moment of electricity in the air with his best friend, then he walked towards the edge of the stage to do his usual greeting to the audience. You kept your eyes on Patrick, marveling at the high notes he was singing. A few more beats, a few more chords, and the song was over. The lights that had lit up the stage turned off and the musicians walked backstage.

You patted both Andy's and Pete's back, and gave Joe a quick hug, before you dedicated your time to Patrick.

"Hello, pretty boy," you grinned and stole his hat, putting it on yourself.

"Hello, pretty girl," he replied with a sly grin.

Unashamedly you grabbed him by the collar, crashing your lips into his. He was hot and sweaty; it was a warm summer night, the performance was always demanding and the stage lights were warm as well, not to mention the pyrotechnics. You ran your fingers through his sweat drenched hair and over his damp shirt. When you had started dating, Patrick had not wanted you to kiss him directly after a show, embarrassed about always being sweaty, even though you had never minded. By now you had made him forget this insecurity around you. This was definitely another part that you loved so much about him: the security you were giving each other.

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