Party Poison x Reader - Mailbox Shrine

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: death of a close friend
count: 2 575

"Back a bit, back a bit, back a bi- nooo, that was too much!"

You sighed and tried to turn the satellite dish back a little. It was a matter of millimeters to get the optimal signal and apparently your last nudge had moved the construction a little too far.

"What are you doing up there, kicking the thing across the roof? You've gone too far again!"

"I barely moved the bloody thing," you shouted back.

Ghoul was sitting inside the little shack and tried to tell you how to move the satellite dish. A sand storm last night and the following acid rain had blown it off the roof and you tried to reinstall it now. These days satellite dishes were not used to receive tv programs anymore, but as Kobra had found out pretty quickly, they were capable of catching certain waves that BLI used for communication. Unluckily the angle in which these waves were receivable was incredibly small, so adjusting the dish had taken almost fifteen minutes already.

You used the back of your hand to wipe sweat of your forehead. The sun was burning down mercilessly, and you could feel yourself get dizzy from the radiation since you had spent the entire morning outside as well. It was about time you got back inside after you were done here.

There was a rustle and some cracking next to the shack and a moment later the fizzy hair of the girl popped up and she climbed onto the roof next to you, carrying the radio with her, as always.

"Can I help," she asked, watching how you carefully tried to move the satellite dish to the left, but instead of smoothly moving, it made a little jump, earning a strings of 'no's from Ghoul in the shack.

"Unless you can magically rearrange this thing here," you growled, shooting her a smile.

She shrugged and sat down on the edge of the roof, dangling her feet in the air and switched on the radio. The reception was not the best out here, but good enough to make out the melody of the shredding guitars and the drums that came through the static.

Both the girl and you hummed along to the music, while you continued wiggling the rod around that held the satellite dish.

"What are you doing up there, the signal gets worse and worse," Ghoul complained.

"If you think you can do it better, come up here and do it yourself," you shouted back.

"Right, Ghoul. Do it yourself," you heard Party laugh as he approached the shack.

"Shut the fuck up, Poison," you groaned.

"Uh, I think you messed up, Party," Ghoul laughed.

"I'll mess you up," you replied unnerved.

"First fix the satellite," Ghoul giggled.

"Whatever," you mumbled to yourself.

You continued trying to turn the rod for a few minutes, but Ghoul continued to tell you it did not work. Frustrated you got up from where you had been kneeling and kicked the satellite dish in frustration. You would get something to drink and a few minutes in the shadow and then revisit this problem.

"Ah, you did it," Ghoul cheered from inside.

Apparently the kick had adjusted the rod just perfectly. You sighed, glad to be done up on the roof and jumped the ground, a cloud of dust erupting around your feet. Even though it had rained last night, the sun had dried everything already and the desert was just as dusty as before. The girl climbed off the roof as well, using a barrel next to the shack to get down. She grabbed her radio and ran back towards the diner, raising dust that marked her way behind her back, before the tiny particles settled back down. A smile played around your lips as you watched her. She had grown a lot since you had seen her for the first time. You had helped out Party and Kobra and in return they welcomed you as a part of their family. It was a surprise to say the least when you found out, that a group of four men, for rebels at that, took care of a little girl, not even two years old, in the middle of the desert. Now she was, what, five years old?

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