Frank Iero x Reader - Hogwarts Halloween

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Reader: Gryffindor
: blood, spiders, bats, snakes, bad writing, trolls... spooky stuff, you know.
count: 3 460
I know that October 31st 1991 was no Saturday, it was a Thursday in fact, but I needed the weekend bc of reasons (Hogsmeade!)

Lazily you shuffled down the stairs from your dormitory into the common room. The room was comfortably warm from the fire that burned in the fire place, throwing a different kind of red glow over the furniture of the room than the rising sun outside the old castle walls did. You rubbed your eyes and were on your way to the portrait hole to walk to breakfast, when a cheerful voice interrupted your way over there.

"Guess what day it is," the familiar voice of your friend Frank sounded through the dusty air.

You turned around and spotted the fellow Gryffindor lying on one of the sofas, his head propped on an armrest, the legs swung over the back.

You suppressed a smirk as you answered, "Halloween, I know" and watched in amusement as Frank's eyes grew wide and he jumped up, leaping over to you and shaking you by the shoulders.

"It's my birthday!"

You laughed, content that he had reacted exactly the way you wanted him to, and pulled a little box out of the pocket of your trousers, handing it to Frank.

He looked surprised, obviously not having expected a gift, but took it from your hand anyway. With a glance at you he tore the orange and black Halloween themed wrapping paper away to reveal a music tape and a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans in the special Halloween Edition.

"Pumpkin, bat poop, ghost puke and toad slime," Frank read some of the flavours that were mentioned on the packaging, rolling his eyes at you, but the wide grin on his face gave him away. "and... green day? Is that a band?" He turned the tape in his hands, excitedly reading out the title, "1,039/ Smoothed out Slappy Hours," he raised his eyebrows, "wanna listen to that later?"

"Yeah, definitely," you grinned, "Happy birthday, punk."

You reached out your arms to hug him and he basically fell into your touch.

"You too," he grinned against the soft fabric of your sweater, "I mean ahm... thanks."

You laughed at Frank's mistake and patted his back. When he finally let go of the embrace, you grabbed him by the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him towards the Great Hall, already looking forward to breakfast.

When you reached the Great Hall, your friends Ray, Mikey and Gerard were already waiting for Frank and you. They all had little gifts for him and he could not stop grinning. You all sat down at the Ravenclaw table, Ray's house, and had extensive breakfast. The Hall was not yet hinting at the changes it would undergo over the day so it would be festively spooky for the Halloween celebration tonight.

You were just hungrily digging into your cereal as Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Keeper came over, sitting down next to you before congratulating Frank to his birthday. Oliver was in your year and whenever the others were occupied with classes you did not have or had to do studying which you had already done, you spent your time talking to the young Scotsman.

Several cups of sweetened black tea later, you and Frank were on your way back up the Gryffindor tower. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, allowing all the Hogwarts students who were in third year or older, to visit the magical town that was only a short walk away from the castle grounds. Of course Frank was overly excited to be able to visit Hogsmeade on his birthday, and the rest of the students were excited to visit Hogsmeade on Halloween.

Back in front of the Great Hall, you were tightly wrapped into a warm jacket, a woolly hat, a Gryffindor scarf and some gloves. Frank, who constantly seemed to be cold, was so buried in additional clothing that the only part of his face that still showed was his eyes.

Emo Trinity x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora