Dallon Weekes x Reader - Love At First Sight

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It was a starless night in early April as you hurried over the dark street and to the entry of the subway. It was freezing cold outside; April seemed pretty uninterested in spring weather. You wore only a thin jacket since it had been warmer when you had met with your friend in the afternoon. The planned meeting at the café had later turned into dinner and then drinks at a small bar. Now it was long dark and cold outside.

Your shoes clicked over the asphalt while you pulled up the collar of your jacket to protect yourself from the slight drizzle that fell from the sky. As uncomfortable as the night seemed, it had a magical atmosphere about it. If this had been a movie, cheerful guitar music would have played in the background with a young man singing about falling in love, and the protagonists of the movie would meet for the first time under embarrassing conditions, yet fall for each other in the beat of a heart.

You shook your head to get rid of these thoughts. As magical as this night felt, this was no movie. Your life was pretty boring and you certainly did not believe that something like 'love at first sight' could ever happen to you. Anyway, your chance to fall in love for this evening was over. Your best shot would have been a slightly drunk thirty year old man at the bar who told you proudly he had built a boat himself. You had to admit that was pretty impressive but he was slightly weird and when you noticed the golden band around his left ring finger, you had quickly distanced yourself from him.

You pulled out your wallet and payed for your ticket at the ticket machine. It made a few sounds that made you worry it would break apart any moment, or shoot you with unprinted tickets, but luckily it did not. You grabbed the ticket and the change and headed down the stairs to the platform. Tiredly you shot a glance at the electronic board that displayed the arrival time of your train. Almost fifteen minutes. A shiver went down your spine. You hated being alone in the middle of the night in the middle of the city, and you were still cold. You heard steps on the staircase that you had walked down only a minute ago. Out of reflex you turned your head. It was a young man, short brown hair, a guitar case in hand and a rucksack on his back. He was incredibly handsome and you had to remind yourself not to stare at him. When he arrived at the platform, you shot him another glance. You noticed he looked tired and worn out. His shoes were dirty with mud and his thick jacket was soaked with rain. He noticed your look and you quickly turned away, your cheeks heating up. He really was beautiful. When you noticed him walk closer to you, your heart sped up. Wow, you really were not used to such a strong reaction when a stranger was around.

The steps stopped right next to you and a rather timid voice spoke up.

"Could this be love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

You looked up at the man, unable to hide the amused yet nervous smile around your lips. He was taller than you had expected and his blue eyes expectantly looked down on you. A blush was creeping on his cheeks making yours heat up as well.

"What a magical world that would be," you answered with a wink. Hey, where did this boldness come from?

The man giggled at that, his eyes crinkling and revealing adorable dimples.

"So you don't," he made sure to ask.

"Five minutes ago, I didn't. Now I'm not so sure anymore," you told him.

"Oh wow, I think we just created magic," he laughed with wide eyes.

It was weird. Usually you were a rather shy person, but something about this man made you trust him, made you feel save.

With a quick glance he scanned your outfit. "Aren't you cold?" he wondered. "Ripped jeans and thin jacket for these temperatures? I mean, not that you don't look exceptionally good, you do, really like, I mean, wow, but you must be cold, don't you?"

Emo Trinity x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें