Advent Calendar - Dec 10

672 27 20

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Words: 992

Maybe you should have known that a peaceful walk in the snow with Nicole would turn into anything but peaceful very soon. You had been dating for a few weeks now, and dating was a rather loose word, in your case. You went out together, flirted, blushed, payed sickly sweet compliments, and had even confessed your attraction towards each other, but somehow it had never been the right time to take this, whatever this exactly was, to the next level. It was not like you did not want to kiss her, you actually wanted nothing more, but somehow you felt intimidated by the thought alone. How could you kiss someone as beautiful, as perfect as her? You were scared it would feel like you were dirtying her, like you were dishonoring her. Funnily enough she thought the same about you which was why she had made no move so far either.

The walk had started out calmly, both of you walking hand in hand through the snowy forest. But once you had reached the edge of it, standing in front of a field which was now hidden deeply beneath an unspoiled cover of snow, Nicole had torn away from you and run out into the field. You had stopped in your tracks, marveling at the young woman. She wore a red coat with matching gloves and a wooly hat. Her golden hair poured out from underneath it, bouncing around her shoulder as she ran, reflecting the sunlight. You had been too busy marveling at her enchanting appearance to realize that she had bent down, and gathered up snow in her hands, forming it to a ball, which only seconds later collided with your chest.

It is needless to say that you did not hesitate to return the favor and sent a snow ball flying her way. A snow fight developed, filled with breathless laughter, giggles and the mocking pleas for sparing. You could not remember ever having had so much fun in your life. It did not matter that you were sweating and out of breath while melting snow dripped down your face into your scarf, you loved every second of this.

By now the snow balls had turned into thrown clouds of snow, neither Nicole nor you wanting to loose time on forming the balls, so instead you took the loose snow and delivered it into each other's directions. Somehow you still found the time to notice how breathtakingly beautiful your opponent was. The fine, dusty snow caught in Nicole's hair, her breath condensed as white fog in the air, and her nose, cheeks and lips were reddened from the cold. Giggles left her mouth constantly, making you join in as well, incapable of withdrawing yourself from the spell she seemed to be casting over you.

Since throwing loose snow at each other reduced the reach of your projectiles, you were standing really close now, considering this was a snow fight. Only seven feet separated you, and once Nicole did not pay attention for a short moment, you used the opportunity to close the distance, taking hold of her arms and wrapping her in a tight hug.

The force of your impact against her body, combined with her surprise made her stumble backwards, falling into the snow, and since your arms were still wrapped around her, you were pulled down with her, landing on top.

Your face was hovering only an inch above hers, her mesmerizing blue eyes expectantly shining up at you, her cherry red lips were slightly parted, quickly exhaled breaths of warm air floated against your skin. You did not even consider your decision for a single moment, when you bend down, closing the distance between you. Her skin was cool from the cold air, but the longer your lips moved against hers, the warmer they got. Her face was wet from the molten snow, and salty sweat mixed with the water. She reached up to your neck, pulling your closer into her, with a small, content sigh escaping her lips. It felt like your whole body was buzzing with excitement, your heart beating in your throat, your gloved fingers either wrapped into her angelic hair, or carefully wandering over her cheeks and jaw. You had never felt as safe and loved as in that moment, and you were pretty certain that this would be your favorite memory until the end of your life. It was not only the fact that you got to hold Nicole so close to you, the woman you loved with all of your heart, it was also the neediness, the urgency with which she kissed you back, never letting go of you, pressing her nose against yours in between kisses while you were catching your breaths.

If it would have been possible, you would have stayed like this forever, bedded in the soft snow, Nicole kissing you sweetly, with never-ending gentleness. But reality was that once you had stopped running around, the cold air, the freezing snow, and the water in your clothes started cooling both of you down, all too soon making you shiver uncontrollably.

"Let's go home," you whispered against the shell of her ear.

Nicole nodded in agreement, placing one more peck against your lips, then you sat up, helping her up as well.

"I'm gonna make you a cup of hot chocolate, when we are home," she smiled, and you grinned, offering her your arm.

You knew how much she loved to spoil you with self-made treats, and it was an undeniable fact that her hot chocolate was the best in the world.

"Only if we cuddle afterwards," you demanded, making her nod eagerly.

She snuggled her head against your shoulder, staying as close as possible to you, as you started your way back towards home, leaving the snowed in field, which sparkled charmingly behind your backs, as if it was proud of having brought you two closer together.

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