Advent Calendar - Dec 03

859 32 13

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Words: 640

You wrapped your fingers around the warm mug and deeply inhaled over the steaming, brown cocoa. Slowly you opened your eyes and smiled softly over the table to your boyfriend Pete, who, unlike you, nervously fiddled with his cup.

You furrowed your brows and watched him for a moment before you spoke up.

"What's wrong?"

Pete got torn out of his thoughts by your question, his glance almost scarred as his eyes locked with yours.

It took him a moment to find back into reality before his shoulders relaxed, and his scared expression gave way to a somewhat sad and tired one.

"I was just..." his eyes shifted away from your face and he stared down into his still untouched cup. You waited, knowing that if you would push him, he would only shut himself off of you. So instead you gave him time to form the words he wanted to say.

It took him a few moments, then he sighed and looked back over to you, meeting your concerned eyes with a pained smile.

"I just don't know if it's really a good idea for me to spend Christmas with your family," he mumbled, and you could tell how embarrassed and sad he was about his own thoughts.

"Why not," you asked, admittedly slightly confused.

You and Pete had been together of over a year now, but last year you had celebrated Christmas with Pete's family, and since your parents lived at the other side of the States, there had been no opportunity for them to meet Pete so far. It was understandable that you were excited to introduce your boyfriend to your parents, and Pete's worries were a surprise to you.

"I... I just think they won't like me very much," he confessed, again starting to fiddle around with the spoon in his mug. "I have a reputation, you know. I've never been with anyone for as long as I have been with you, and... what if your parents disapprove of me?"

You reached over the table and gently placed your warm hands on Pete's.

"Why should they? You are an amazing person, Pete. You are kind and caring, and I hope you know how much I love you. Why should my parents disapprove of someone who makes me as happy as you do?"

Pete smiled up at you sadly, intertwining his fingers with yours.

"I love you too," he whispered, "and I have never been happier in my life." He hesitated for a moment, then he continued, "But what if your parents think I might hurt you? I have hurt people before, you know. And it is basically my worst nightmare, imagining I might hurt you too, but what if your parents would be right, what if I really end up hurting you? I don't want to, but what if-"

"I'll deal with it," you interrupted him, tightening your fingers around his, gently squeezing his hand, "I can look out for myself. I'm old enough to decide who I want in my life, and I'm strong enough to deal with the consequences, if things go wrong, so don't worry about that, darling. And my parents know that too, and if they do turn out to have a problem with you," you smiled mischievously, making a smile appear on Pete's lips, "they'll have to deal with me first."

Pete nodded, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them again, they were shining happily again, the same warm brown you loved so much.

"Thank you," he whispered, and squeezed your hand again. "I hope you are right about them."


A few weeks later he found out that you had been more than right, and when your parents left after the holidays, he felt like he had always been part of your family.

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