Advent Calendar - Dec 08

734 59 13

*Picuture Source:*

Words: 1 326 (sooo many)

You quietly hummed along a tune while putting up the wreath on your flat door. It was a classical, somewhat kitschy thing made of fir tree twigs, and decorated with red bows, baubles and two little wooden elves. Just when you finished adjusting the wreath, the door opposite your apartment opened, and your neighbor Gerard stepped outside. As always he wore his black leather jacket and the ripped jeans, his black hair fell into his face and he had a black bag swung over his shoulder. But unlike most other days, he did not greet you friendly, instead he shot a dark stare your way, one that got even darker when he saw the decoration you had put up, and without a word he stamped down the corridor towards the stairs.

"Good day to you too," you mumbled quietly enough for him not to hear it before you went back into your flat.

The days passed and Christmas came closer and closer, filling you with anticipation for your favorite holiday, and the whole city seemed to buzz with the same excitement. Except for Gerard. You had met him almost every day, either while fetching the post, or randomly meeting him on the stairs, and he seemed angrier and more annoyed with every day.

It was Saturday, and you had nothing to do. All the cookies were baked, the flat decently decorated, the advent wreath with the four big red candles had turned into the centerpiece of the couch table. And you were bored. So, since you had nothing better to do, and you worried about Gerard, you decided to invite him over for a cup of tea, or coffee.

You slipped into your shoes and shuffled across the hallway, knocking against his door. A few seconds later you heard steps approaching, before the door was opened, and Gerard appeared. His hair was disheveled, and he had dark circles under his eyes.

He raised his eyebrows at you, wordlessly asking you what you wanted.

"Hey," you greeted, trying to cover up your uncertainty by being cheerful. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over for coffee."

You nervously fiddled with your hands behind your back. You liked Gerard, he had always been nice to you, and you felt like you could actually become good friends if you got to know each other better, but having him standing in front of you, glaring unhappily at the wreath at your door was intimidating.


His voice was monotone, and you for a second you were tempted to snap a 'Okay, no then' at him, but you did not, and instead smiled warmly.

"It's close to Christmas and I feel a little lonely, and since you are on your own too, I thought it would be a nice get together," you quickly made up, not intending on telling him how worried you actually were.

Gerard stared at you for a second before he shrugged.

"Okay, if you insist," he agreed, quickly grabbing his keys from somewhere next to the door, and stepping into the corridor next to you.

You lead him into your flat, trying to suppress the nervousness that suddenly rose in your chest. You led him to your sofa where you motioned him to sit down, well aware that he was curiously looking around your flat.

"What can I offer you," you asked, "coffee, tea, cookies?"

"Coffee, thanks," he grumbled, his eyebrows drawn together, while his eyes still skipped around the room, taking in his surroundings.

"Of course," you smiled and headed of into the kitchen.

You filled the coffee machine with water and ground coffee, took a tray, and started placing cups, sugar, milk and a small plate filled with cookies on it.

After the coffee was finished, you walked back into the living room, finding Gerard had leant back into the soft cushions of the couch, his eyes still inspecting the room.

"You have a nice home," he commented as you set down the tray and filled both cups with coffee, handing him one of them.

"Thank you," you blushed and sat down next to him, making sure to keep a safe distance. "Please, help yourself."

You pointed towards the plate, and hesitantly Gerard took one of the cookies.

"Did you make these yourself," he wondered, turning the baked good around in his fingers.

"Yes, I did," you answered, taking a sip of your hot coffee, "I hope you like them."

Gerard took a careful bite out of the sugar glazed sweet and nodded in approval.

For a while you sat in silence, munching on the cookies. You had honestly no idea what to talk about, and since Gerard hardly seemed to be in the talking mood, you decided not to try your luck.

All of a sudden he turned to face you, his expression not dark anymore, but rather sad.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm a horrible guest, I just- I'm not in the best mood lately, I'm sorry for being such bad company."

You lifted your hands, trying to calm him down a little, even though you were surprised by this kind of emotional outburst.

"Don't worry. I already noticed that you have something on your mind, and to be honest, that was the exact reason I invited you over," you confessed. "If you want to talk about it, I don't mind to listen."

Gerard nodded, his features growing soft, and he hung his head.

"It's- it's like – everyone's so cheery, everyone goes to Christmas parties 'nd has tea with their families 'nd sings carols and's just... so cozy! And it sounds egoistic, I know, but... I'm stuck on my own, I'm not even gonna see my family for Christmas since they'll be on holidays god knows where, and I'm just... jealous I guess, and the more people shove Christmas, the 'season of peace and happiness'," he drew quotation marks into the air, "into my face the more angry I get. I know I ruin your afternoon, but... " he hesitated, "I should leave, thank you for your kindness."

He stood up rigidly, and you did too, quickly gripping him by the sleeve.

"Why don't you come over for coffee more often," you suggested. "I'm on my own too, I'd love some company for the afternoons. We could bake stolen, if you like."

Gerard looked at you with wide eyes before a smile spread over his face.

"You'd really do that," he wondered.

"Of course, it's a win-win-situation, don't you think?"

He grinned broadly, suddenly unrecognizable from the gloomy man you had invited in.

"That's amazing, thank you," he laughed, quickly hugging you tightly.

You felt your cheeks reddening, and you quickly hugged back before he pulled away again.

"And if you like, I'm sure my family wouldn't mind if I bring someone along on Christmas Eve. I don't want you to be on your own on that day."

"I really don't want to bother anyone," he quickly defended but it was obvious that he deeply craved company on that specific holiday.

"You aren't, I promise. I wouldn't offer it, if it'd be a problem," you assured.

Gerard laughed in relief, and you were almost certain the quick motion of his hand over his face was to wipe away the tears that had started pooling in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say, you are a life saver," he smiled, a look of utter thankfulness on his face.

"You could invite me out for cup of mulled wine on the Christmas market," you boldly suggested, only too late realizing what you had just blurted out.

"Do you have time tomorrow," Gerard asked, not seeming to find anything weird about your request.

"Uh, yeah, I... I do," you nodded, somewhat surprised that he immediately jumped in on it.

"It's a date then," he grinned, carefully watching how your expression shifted from surprised to confused, and then to a happy grin.

"It's a date."

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