Pete Wentz x Reader - Rain

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„But it's supposed to be spring," you whined, holding the phone closer to your ear so you could hear your friend Pete's voice over the heavy rain that was drumming against the window.

"You know how April is, one second rain, the next sunshine, and the next snowstorm," he seemed a lot calmer about the weather going all haywire than you.

"Great and what do you plan on wearing to the park when you have to be afraid the storm will blow you away any second? An anchor?"

Pete giggled at the thought and shook his head which you heard by his hair rustling against the microphone of his mobile.

"How about we watch movies instead of going to the park," he suggested.

It was your weekly Saturday evening ritual to meet up and for this week you had planned a trip to the park to watch the stars, or the nightlife, whatever was available. Yet the weather had prevented your plans. At least it had started raining before you had gone outside, not when you were in the middle of the park, several minutes away from your car. And a few minutes in this rain would doubtlessly be enough to wet you to the bones.

"Sounds good," you sighed, calming down a little.

You had almost expected that Pete would cancel your meeting. Over the last time you had gotten the feeling that Pete did not care about you as much anymore as he used to. Or maybe it was just because you started caring more. It felt like a cliché romance but over the last several months you caught yourself staring at your friend more and more often, sometimes even starting to fantasize about what it would be like to be with him. Pete of course knew nothing of these thoughts and feelings that you started to develop, and you preferred to keep it that way. You did not want to destroy your friendship with him and you did not want to land on his mental list of girls he had had either. Although at the moment he seemed to have taken a break from expanding that list.

"So I'm gonna be over in half an hour with movies? Do you still have snacks, or should I bring some?"

You stepped away from the window and over to the cupboard in which you kept your chips and sweets.

"I think we're good," you told him.

"Great, see you soon!" And with that he hung up.

You sighed quietly and took a look around your living room. Luckily it was cleaned up; otherwise you would have broken into a panic right now. You really needed to sort your feelings for Pete out. He was your friend. Nothing more. A platonic friend. Who was not interested in any kind of romantic relationship with you. This did not stop you from putting on your favorite perfume though.

When the doorbell rang sometime later, you quickly checked your appearance in the hallway mirror and opened the door for Pete. He had a backpack flung over his right shoulder, the hood of his raincoat was pulled over his head, but a few strands of his dark hair had gotten wet anyway. You quickly pulled him inside and he peeled of the wet material of his coat and let it drop to the floor before he hugged you. He smelled less of deodorant than usual and more of himself. Which was your favorite scent.

"Aw, I've missed you," he giggled and pulled away, making you laugh awkwardly.

"Missed you too," you told him, softly boxing him in the shoulder.

You led him to the living room where he sat down on the sofa immediately.

"So I brought Drive, Step Brothers and the Goonies," he told you, pulling a bunch of DVDs out of his backpack.

You rolled your eyes at his choice of films but agreed.

"With what do you want to start?"

You had made your way to the kitchen to get a bowl for the chips and a smaller one for gummy bears.

Emo Trinity x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang