Advent Calendar - Dec 22

565 24 1

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Words: 761

You pulled the fluffy blanket further up to your chin and cuddled against Pete's shoulder searching for a little warmth. White snowflakes drifted by, and cool wind brushed against your cheeks. The quiet, bright jangle of the horses' harnesses mixed with the stamping of their hooves and the cracking of the snow underneath the runner of the horse-drawn sleigh. You looked over to Pete, who had a dreamy expression on his face as he watched you enjoy the ride.

It had been a normal Saturday morning, and you had expected to stay home, read a little, listen to some music, cook, and watch a movie after that. But Pete had had other plans. You had been entirely clueless what he had planned when asked you to put on your fluffy coat and some warm scarf and hat. Of course you had asked what was going on, but he had just smiled mysteriously, and told you it was a surprise. Honestly you had been a little suspicious. You knew Pete long enough to have lived through some of his surprises, and these hardly ever ended well for all participating parties.

Your confusion only grew as he pulled into the court of an old farm, and disappeared in one of the stables, leaving you in the car on your own. When he came back out, followed by an elderly man who led two horses, who pulled a sleigh, you had jumped out of the car, barely able to believe it. Pete had engulfed you in a hug as he explained he knew how stressful the Christmas holidays would be because of all traveling around to meet family, and he wanted to spend some alone time with you before everyone grew sick of the Christmas spirit.

Now you were cuddled together with several blankets in the back of the sleigh, while the coachman directed the horses through the white forest. Small snowflakes floated through the air, sticking against the wooly blankets, and melting when one of them landed on your skin.

Pete reached his hand out from underneath the blanket, and brushed a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it underneath your hat. His expression was so soft and loving as you had not seen in a long time. He had been under a lot of pressure lately, and you did your best to help him, but most of it was concerning his music. All you could help with that was make sure he got to work undisturbed, and got something to eat every few hours. Having him by your side now, so relaxed and happy, made you feel incredibly relieved, knowing that he would not go into the holidays this stressed.

It felt good to spend some time alone together. It was not expected that anyone talked, there was no need to. The coachman quietly sat in the front, only occasionally mumbling an order to the horses, giving Pete and you some privacy.

"Thank you for this surprise," you whispered, leaning over to Pete, and pressing your cold lips against his.

He smiled into the sweet gesture, and wrapped his hand around the back of your head, holding you close to kiss you again before allowing you to pull away.

"You were scared I'd take you to some questionable sports event again, weren't you?"

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time," you answered, and sank back against Pete's shoulder, into his embrace.

"I know," he giggled, gently kissing the top of your head.

"I'm just glad we got some time off before the whole family stress starts on Monday," you mumbled, lifting your chin so Pete had an easier time tucking the blanket, which had slipped off when you had sat up to kiss him, back around you.

"I thought we could need it, a date, just the two of us, a little more romance, before my mum comes over. You know how attention seeking she can be," Pete explained.

"Your mom is harmless compared to mine," you reminded him, making him giggle.

"I don't wanna say that's true, but that'd be a lie," he shrugged.

After that you fell quiet again. Pete wrapped his arm tighter around you, allowing you to snuggle closer to his chest. And while the sun sunk behind the hills, casting orange light through the trees against the snow, which sparkled magically, the rustling of the wind in the branches, the jangle of the harnesses, and the cracking of the horses' hooves in the snow were the only sounds that broke through the peaceful winter evening.

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